Professor advises how to quickly remove anxiety and primitive fear

Highly anxiety It has a very bad effect on a person’s life. It becomes difficult to perform simple manipulations. If previously there was enough strength and vital energy for a long time, then with anxiety this indicator decreases. Obsessive thoughts obscure consciousness like a cloud of bats. It's scary and I want to run away from the world. But that's not the way to go. So how do you deal with anxiety?

The level of anxiety is worth noting first. seriousness. In no case should the problem of human anxiety be ignored and devalued. Forget the answers from the category: “You’re making up all sorts of nonsense again” or “You’re screwing yourself up again.” This will only worsen the situation of a person who is tormented by disturbing thoughts.

To unravel the tangles of doubt and fear, no doubt, helper. You should run to him, throwing your hair back, if possible. A professional will be able to determine the level of anxiety and give good advice. Who knows, maybe the case is easy and will cost a basic set of “rest, sleep, fresh air”. Or you may have to contact a narrow-profile specialist for medical help.

The main thing is not to put the situation on the brakes. Psychological problems are no less important than physical problems. A man would not hesitate long if he had a heartache. So with the problem of anxiety, you can not be too careless either. Do not be afraid and do not hesitate to consult a specialist.

While a person gathers with thoughts to go to a specialist, anxiety can sneak up unnoticed. Although there is no real reason to panic, anxiety does. symptomatic. For example, rapid heartbeat, nausea or abdominal pain, dizziness, dry mouth, wet palms, slight tremor of the body, an unexplained feeling of fear. How can I help myself in this case?

The first thing that helps is breathing. You need to take a deep breath through the nose and noisy exhale with your mouth. Breathe as if an effective jog has just finished. Calm, deep, slow. Put your hands in the process. Hold your shoulders or pat them a little.

More “aggressive” stimuli will also help to return to reality. For example, an ice cube on your wrist or a piece of lemon in your mouth. It's let the body get distracted other feelings, and anxiety should gradually recede. Don’t be angry with your body because of increased anxiety, because it already suffers. It is better to treat yourself to warm herbal tea or go for a walk in a quiet and peaceful place. Fresh air really helps to recover a little.

On the channel "Professor's advice" there are useful tips that will help effectively overcome anxiety and panic fear. Altynay Karasayeva says that a person’s patterned behavior makes them transparent and predictable. Everyone has heard that you need to do well in school, then be sure to go to university, create a marriage, have a child, buy or build a house.

Anything. deviation It can cause anxiety in a person, because he does not know what to expect from life. But it is not necessary to radically break the patterns, because the individual needs to live in society. So what do we do? First, improve your spirituality. This will help not to be predictable, and also add bright colors of life.

Second, it is necessary to limit contact with the outside world. Minimize communication with people who offer nothing in return. If such people only demand, anger or upset, then they definitely do not belong in your life. Let only the closest, beloved, dear ones remain.

Peels Properly reduce the level of anxiety Thirdly, it is necessary learn to say no. If you feel like you want to give up an unpleasant action, say a firm no. It must be unshakable. In addition, it is important to control what is happening in your information field. In social networks, there are many things that can scare, upset, anger. Carefully filter the data obtained so as not to fill your brain with bad information. It can really cause increased anxiety.

Don’t forget to be grateful to yourself. Anxiety causes the body to work in emergency mode, using more resources. Take care to restore balance. You can do your favorite thing, walk or chat with interesting people, amuse yourself with a new thing or book. Remember in whose hands is the salvation of drowning, and never forget it. Exactly. You can make a difference.So start right now.


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