What to add to the water when watering carrots for an impressive harvest
How to water carrots in the open groundTo get a bountiful harvest? Experienced gardeners know that one can not do with water here. And although this vegetable culture is unpretentious in care, you still have to pay attention to the beds. How exactly to do this, editorial board "Site" I will tell you in today’s article.
From the frequency and abundance of irrigation depends on how generous the harvest will be. This, in turn, is influenced by many factors. Like soil type. So, if you use mulch, carrots can be watered much less often. However, it is important to use a large amount of water.
If the crop grows on heavy ground, it will have to be watered often. Also, a few hours before each irrigation, it is worth a little loosening the soil.
Watering the plant is extremely important July. It is in the middle of summer that the root of carrots will begin to form. Leaves also appear. The more abundant they are, the more generous the harvest will grow.
At this stage, carrots need to be watered abundantly. But we must not allow the beds to form a swamp in place. This can cause the plant to start rotting. So in July, we water the culture rarely, but accurately. The ideal water regime for carrots is a single watering in 5-7 days.
However, if it is too hot outside, this watering will not be enough. In this case, you need to water the plant every 3-4 days. Watch the weather so as not to overdry the carrots.
By the way, this vegetable crop does not recognize cold water. Therefore, for watering it is best to use a liquid heated outside in the sun.
In August Carrots in size reach their maximum. That means she no longer needs a lot of fluid. It is enough to water the plant no more than 1-2 times a month.
To improve the quality of the crop and increase its quantity, it is not enough to water carrots with just water. Twice during the entire growing season, ordinary kitchen salt should be added to the watering liquid.
Sodium chloride solves several important problems. First, it improves the absorption of all the nutrients that the vegetable crop receives from the soil.
Second, salt water deters pests. However, the fruits themselves become sweeter. In addition, watering with salt water prevents the plant from rotting.
To prepare a solution for irrigation, it is enough to mix 10 liters of water with 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of table salt. Next, the liquid must be well mixed so that all grains of salt completely dissolve. Before using the salt solution, make sure that the soil is slightly moistened.
This amount of water is enough for about 2 square meters of planting. You need to water the plant under the root.
Homemade sweet carrots are the pride of any gardener. To achieve this taste, it is not necessary to use chemical mineral fertilizers. You can use a couple of folk tricks.
For example, in July, the plant should be fed with ash. It contains a large amount of potassium. And it is extremely important for carrots during the formation of root vegetables. To prepare a natural fertilizer, mix 10 liters of warm water and 1 cup of wood ash.
Stir the solution well and use it immediately for watering carrots. It is impossible to prepare such feeding for the future, otherwise it will simply lose its useful properties.
In addition, to the fruits were sweeter, you can use special tobacco dust (not to be confused with ash). It should be placed between the rows of carrots in the beds. While the carrots grow, the product will need to be updated several times.
Instagram / @u_dacha.plst Tobacco dust not only helps improve the taste of the fruit, but also drives away carrot flies from planting. This is a nasty pest that most often affects the plant. By the way, you can also get rid of parasites with ammonia. To do this, mix 10 liters of water and 1-2 tablespoons of the substance.
Vegetable culture can be watered with such a solution in spring and June. So save this life hack until next season. It will help prevent the appearance of carrot flies, and also work as a nitrogen feeding.
That's all the wisdom for today. Be sure to share this article with your garden friends. May the harvest be generous this year!

From the frequency and abundance of irrigation depends on how generous the harvest will be. This, in turn, is influenced by many factors. Like soil type. So, if you use mulch, carrots can be watered much less often. However, it is important to use a large amount of water.
If the crop grows on heavy ground, it will have to be watered often. Also, a few hours before each irrigation, it is worth a little loosening the soil.

Watering the plant is extremely important July. It is in the middle of summer that the root of carrots will begin to form. Leaves also appear. The more abundant they are, the more generous the harvest will grow.
At this stage, carrots need to be watered abundantly. But we must not allow the beds to form a swamp in place. This can cause the plant to start rotting. So in July, we water the culture rarely, but accurately. The ideal water regime for carrots is a single watering in 5-7 days.
However, if it is too hot outside, this watering will not be enough. In this case, you need to water the plant every 3-4 days. Watch the weather so as not to overdry the carrots.
By the way, this vegetable crop does not recognize cold water. Therefore, for watering it is best to use a liquid heated outside in the sun.

In August Carrots in size reach their maximum. That means she no longer needs a lot of fluid. It is enough to water the plant no more than 1-2 times a month.
To improve the quality of the crop and increase its quantity, it is not enough to water carrots with just water. Twice during the entire growing season, ordinary kitchen salt should be added to the watering liquid.

Sodium chloride solves several important problems. First, it improves the absorption of all the nutrients that the vegetable crop receives from the soil.
Second, salt water deters pests. However, the fruits themselves become sweeter. In addition, watering with salt water prevents the plant from rotting.

To prepare a solution for irrigation, it is enough to mix 10 liters of water with 1 tablespoon (15 grams) of table salt. Next, the liquid must be well mixed so that all grains of salt completely dissolve. Before using the salt solution, make sure that the soil is slightly moistened.
This amount of water is enough for about 2 square meters of planting. You need to water the plant under the root.
Homemade sweet carrots are the pride of any gardener. To achieve this taste, it is not necessary to use chemical mineral fertilizers. You can use a couple of folk tricks.

For example, in July, the plant should be fed with ash. It contains a large amount of potassium. And it is extremely important for carrots during the formation of root vegetables. To prepare a natural fertilizer, mix 10 liters of warm water and 1 cup of wood ash.
Stir the solution well and use it immediately for watering carrots. It is impossible to prepare such feeding for the future, otherwise it will simply lose its useful properties.
In addition, to the fruits were sweeter, you can use special tobacco dust (not to be confused with ash). It should be placed between the rows of carrots in the beds. While the carrots grow, the product will need to be updated several times.

Instagram / @u_dacha.plst Tobacco dust not only helps improve the taste of the fruit, but also drives away carrot flies from planting. This is a nasty pest that most often affects the plant. By the way, you can also get rid of parasites with ammonia. To do this, mix 10 liters of water and 1-2 tablespoons of the substance.
Vegetable culture can be watered with such a solution in spring and June. So save this life hack until next season. It will help prevent the appearance of carrot flies, and also work as a nitrogen feeding.
That's all the wisdom for today. Be sure to share this article with your garden friends. May the harvest be generous this year!