When the guns speak, the muses can save us

They say that when the guns speak, the muses are silent. In fact, art itself can become a real salvation from sadness and even despair, as well as a means of support for those who especially need it at the moment. It is enough to look at the latest "culture news" to understand: cinema, music, literature, theater - all this is developing, working and available to most people.

Festivals and concerts as therapy
Exhibitions of paintings by masters, photos and expositions of all kinds of products, meetings with show business stars, musicians, artists, writers are also necessary because they are an important source of replenishing the internal resource that everyone needs. Sometimes it's enough to just learn about what cultural life is raging, visit an online event, read and comment on reports of interesting events, to tune in to a new wave of life and finally feel its taste.
It is not by chance that various directions of art therapy are increasingly actively developing in practical psychology. Why?
- Most of the biological, emotional and social processes of the individual are concentrated in it.
- Involvement in interesting cultural events can become a means of achieving inner balance in critical moments of life.
- The human brain responds to the influence of art, and in many cases simply looking at pictures or listening to music not only helps in solving internal conflicts, but also causes impulses to one's own creativity.
This is how a person grows spiritually and this is how culture develops. This is how temporarily devastated souls are treated.

The art of receiving and giving
The war in Ukraine made adjustments to the plans of creative associations, but after recovering a little, many of them began to look for opportunities and new formats for hard work in a changed reality. They opened the so-called artistic front, and we can follow new developments on it and indisputable victories. We have a unique chance:
- to witness the emergence of new directions;
- experience an unusual creative dynamic and become part of this movement;
- to find previously hidden meaning in famous classical works;
- join the discussion of interesting events and spread information about them;
- to support artists materially and morally.
Currently, the organizers of various events are desperately working not so much for their own sake, but with charitable intentions. Many plays, films and performances can be seen either for free or with some kind of contribution to support the armed forces, destroyed theaters or other social needs. Sometimes there is a minimum ticket price, and in many cases online broadcasts are held so that the event can be joined from afar and then, if desired, transfer any amount to a charity account.
Thus, we not only enjoy art and support its bearers, but also help others, and this already makes us feel more confident. Keeping ourselves and our loved ones alive, fulfilled and inspired is one of the most difficult challenges of the evil time, and it is important for us to accept it in order to win and overcome everything.
Source: md-eksperiment.org
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