Clothing for kindergarten: choose tastefully
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Now mom and dad of three kids already know what kindergarten will go to their favorite daughter or son in September. In the summer a baby needs to purchase baby clothes for garden and slowly cook until kindergarten regime, accustomed to independence. In the garden of course we accept children who have self-help skills, can eat, dress and visit the toilet unaided. In addition, you need to teach your baby to early recovery and NAP at a certain time. Visit group classes from an early age has a positive effect on the education of children, teaching them to be independent to service their needs and active and tolerant when dealing with other children.
We should also talk about children's clothing that you want to prepare baby up to the moment he starts to regularly visit the kindergarten group.
The main clothing for little boys and girls — comfort. Makes no sense to buy the kid a shirt with lots of small buttons or sundresses or cotton dresses for girls with hooks — the kids will not be able to cope with them without help of a caregiver. Not very practical for the same reason, and things with Velcro on the back. Immediately say that there is a sense in advance to buy socks, tights and underwear, as they very quickly get dirty, and besides, with kids in the moment when they begin to attend kindergarten, can still happen a little trouble, so they will definitely need tights or knickers to change.
As for wardrobe for boys, need to buy t-shirts and shirts, but in case of cool weather — a sweater or fleece pullover. All these items of clothing to a child easy to put on and take off, the baby will cope with them itself. For the low optimum shorts at the knee or slightly below — they will be quite comfortable. Better if it will be a model on the band, and not on buttons and not a zipper.
For little girls also relevant are t-shirts and t-shirts and thin tunics, jumpers and children's underwear. The baby will be easy to dress up with her having corduroy or denim sundress or skirt elastic top. You can also offer the girl a warm cardigan or a knitted dress, but on the condition that she can unbutton them herself.
Clothing for physical education usually are simple requirements: socks, shorts and t-shirt. Parents only need from time to time to take sports uniforms home for washing.
Now mom and dad of three kids already know what kindergarten will go to their favorite daughter or son in September. In the summer a baby needs to purchase baby clothes for garden and slowly cook until kindergarten regime, accustomed to independence. In the garden of course we accept children who have self-help skills, can eat, dress and visit the toilet unaided. In addition, you need to teach your baby to early recovery and NAP at a certain time. Visit group classes from an early age has a positive effect on the education of children, teaching them to be independent to service their needs and active and tolerant when dealing with other children.
We should also talk about children's clothing that you want to prepare baby up to the moment he starts to regularly visit the kindergarten group.

The main clothing for little boys and girls — comfort. Makes no sense to buy the kid a shirt with lots of small buttons or sundresses or cotton dresses for girls with hooks — the kids will not be able to cope with them without help of a caregiver. Not very practical for the same reason, and things with Velcro on the back. Immediately say that there is a sense in advance to buy socks, tights and underwear, as they very quickly get dirty, and besides, with kids in the moment when they begin to attend kindergarten, can still happen a little trouble, so they will definitely need tights or knickers to change.
As for wardrobe for boys, need to buy t-shirts and shirts, but in case of cool weather — a sweater or fleece pullover. All these items of clothing to a child easy to put on and take off, the baby will cope with them itself. For the low optimum shorts at the knee or slightly below — they will be quite comfortable. Better if it will be a model on the band, and not on buttons and not a zipper.
For little girls also relevant are t-shirts and t-shirts and thin tunics, jumpers and children's underwear. The baby will be easy to dress up with her having corduroy or denim sundress or skirt elastic top. You can also offer the girl a warm cardigan or a knitted dress, but on the condition that she can unbutton them herself.
Clothing for physical education usually are simple requirements: socks, shorts and t-shirt. Parents only need from time to time to take sports uniforms home for washing.