A wise specialist made a remark to his son that he rides too much on a scooter

Scooters It seems like a harmless activity. And if earlier only children traveled on scooters, today many adults ride on all kinds of electric scooters. However, few people think that such activity has negative consequences.

Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what danger scooters pose to young children. It is even more surprising that this transport is very popular. Many doctors are horrified by the irresponsibility of some parents.

A lot of riding on a scooter, the child performs specific actions. One foot stands on the scooter, and the other pushes off the ground. Thus, the child strains and trains only one leg, which at a young age affects especially strongly the formation of the pelvis and the development of the knees.

Also, doctors warn that regular and prolonged riding on a scooter creates conditions for the development of scoliosis. Although there is a salvation in this case. You just need to alternate your legs when riding.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable and expensive for a child if he is used to riding a certain way, one side. However, it is important to teach him to ride in a “mirror” position. Thus, the load on both sides of the body will be approximately the same.

At the same time, doctors are outraged that scooters are bought even for two-year-old children. Although muscles and joints are very weak at this age, they are only forming. And when riding on a scooter, the load on the body, as we said above, is uneven. This negatively affects the development of the child.

Therefore, it is better to wait with the purchase of a scooter. And it is desirable that the child can regularly ride not only on a scooter, but also on a bicycle. Although for the first years of life, walking and running will be more than enough for a child for uniform and versatile development.

We should not forget that young children who do not yet have good coordination often get into trouble both on bicycles and on scooters. Therefore, parents should limit the speed with which their child will run around the yard or street. It will not be superfluous and appropriate equipment that protects the legs, hands and head.

When used correctly (and in moderation), scooters and bicycles can bring many benefits to children. This is the activity that gives a restorative effect. For example, the child trains the heart and lungs. His eyes rest from the ubiquitous screens, and the brain learns to better analyze and calculate space at speed, training concentration.

As we can see, with a reasonable approach, the scooter can bring a child a versatile benefit. In addition, this method of movement is very fun, adds bright emotions, helps to remember childhood from the best side. The main thing is to make sure that your child does not expose himself to unnecessary danger when riding a scooter. Then everything will be fine.


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