What must be rolled into banks Ukrainian housewives in 2022
Make it delicious. borscht It is much easier than it may seem at first glance. If someone previously thought it was long and impractical, then in fact it is not. This recipe will help make the tasty borscht and properly preserve it. A small jar will be very comfortable to take with you to work or on a trip.
Borscht at the Bank Ingredients
Vegetable mix Cooking
Useful recipe As you have already understood, dear reader, such a borscht in a bank is only part of a real borscht. So-called borsch. They are also sold on store shelves. But why overpay when you can cook everything yourself? Moreover, from the above recipe should get 10 jars of refueling about 650 grams.
We recommend experimenting and preparing borscht with such a borsch gas station. It will take a minimum of time, since the lion’s share of the treat is already ready and is just waiting for its time. Ready dressing for borscht will save time and help those who are still far from preparing a quality dish.
The ingredients
Appetite borscht in a jar of meat and potatoes
Once the borscht has cooled, you can roll it into small cans. Yeah, even if there's meat. It is recommended to store such borscht in the refrigerator or any other cold place. For three days he will live and not spoil. This is enough for a short trip or a trip. A wholesome and hearty lunch. No harmful food is needed with it.

Borscht at the Bank Ingredients
- 2kg beets
- 2kg cabbage
- 500g onions
- 500g carrots
- 1kg tomatoes
- 500g sweet pepper
- 100g salt
- 200g sugar
- 200 ml of vegetable oil
- 100 ml of vinegar (9%)

Vegetable mix Cooking
- All vegetables are necessary wash and dry. It is best to lay them out on a clean towel or paper wipes. When everything is dry, start grinding each vegetable into small pieces.
- Add spices and vegetable oil to vegetables. Mix all the ingredients to uniformity. In order to fit everything, use a deep pan or pelvis.
- Vegetable tandem should be left overnight to form a delicious juice. Cook the ingredients the next day and no more than 20 minutes. Then pour such a treat on sterilized banks and sunset.

Useful recipe As you have already understood, dear reader, such a borscht in a bank is only part of a real borscht. So-called borsch. They are also sold on store shelves. But why overpay when you can cook everything yourself? Moreover, from the above recipe should get 10 jars of refueling about 650 grams.

We recommend experimenting and preparing borscht with such a borsch gas station. It will take a minimum of time, since the lion’s share of the treat is already ready and is just waiting for its time. Ready dressing for borscht will save time and help those who are still far from preparing a quality dish.
The ingredients
- 1 kg of meat
- 2 l of water
- 4 potatoes
- spice
- green
- 1 can of borsch refill
- garlic
- bay-leaf

Appetite borscht in a jar of meat and potatoes
- Wash a piece of meat under cold water, cut it into smaller pieces and place it in a pan. Start making borscht meat broth. Before that, you can refresh your memory by reading an article on how to achieve the perfect transparency of any broth.
- As soon as the meat is cooked, reduce the fire and add potatoes to the broth. If the potato is ready, check when it will be possible to add a borsch dressing. Since it is cooked quickly enough, you can do it 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking borscht.
- While the borscht is brewing, cut the fresh greens and add it to the pan. If desired, you can also add beans. It is not in the gas station, but in the borscht this ingredient is definitely not superfluous. And be careful with spices. It is important not to overdo it, because the borsch refueling will also be quite spicy.

Once the borscht has cooled, you can roll it into small cans. Yeah, even if there's meat. It is recommended to store such borscht in the refrigerator or any other cold place. For three days he will live and not spoil. This is enough for a short trip or a trip. A wholesome and hearty lunch. No harmful food is needed with it.
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