Older relatives often cause negativity and become a burden for loved ones.
Sad when elderly They become a burden to the family. But even worse, when loved ones use them for their own benefit, and then simply leave them with nothing. In a similar situation was Nina Ivanovna, a 75-year-old woman who lived all her life in the village. What happened and how this story ended, read further in the article.
On that day, I woke up earlier than usual, feeling somewhat restless. My daughter was supposed to visit me with her grandson. Really, she didn't say when. Before they arrived, I decided to make a vegetable soup. But I didn't. I was digging in the garden when I heard my daughter's voice. Even then, I felt that she had come for a reason.
"Hello, Mom. Kolenka and I brought you some food from the city, Tanya sculpted. My daughter doesn’t often indulge me like this, and I’m always embarrassed when she spends her money on me: ‘Daughter, so much! I can't eat that much alone. Then the granddaughter intervened in the conversation: “Don’t worry, ba, I’ll help you.” We're staying tonight!
I can't remember the last time my daughter came to me and stayed the night. I was seriously worried. By the evening, my feelings were justified: Tanya said she needed to talk to me. I immediately asked, “Honey, are you okay with your husband?” You're not getting divorced? ?
Oh no! Of course not. We're doing just fine. That's what I want to talk about. Dima wants a second child, but there is not enough room in our apartment for everyone. So he offered to sell our place and your old house to report the money and buy a bigger apartment. And you will live with us! How do you like this idea? the voice of my daughter rang.
But how am I going to live with them? I'm an old woman and they're young. I like my house and have lived here all my life. I can't just leave here. My arguments didn't convince my daughter. She assured me that I would really like the city, everything was at hand. In the village, it only gets worse every year.
“In general, I give you time to think until the morning, Mom,” the daughter concluded. After weighing the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that the idea is not so bad after all. I agreed. At first, while my family was solving the issue of a new apartment, I temporarily lived with my son. And then she moved in with her daughter.
But it wasn't as rosy as my daughter described it. After a month of living together, I began to hear reproaches. Then I put the dishes in the wrong place, then the wrong mode in the washing machine turned on. And then one day, I was completely stunned. By chance I heard a conversation between my daughter and her husband: “It’s impossible to live with her!” I stopped sleeping because of her snoring!
I wasn't going to put up with that. Immediately she burst into the room and said, “So while you needed the money and the house, you talked to me affectionately.” And now that it's done, can you put dirt on my back? I'm 75 years old! I warned you you wouldn't like living with me. You should have thought sooner!
Tanya shouted, “Of course you only think about money!” If you don't like something, nobody keeps you here! Go to your beloved son.” At that moment, I was speechless. I just got kicked out. I have nowhere to go. I didn’t want to ask my son, it was useless. He has his own life and I have no place in it.
I decided to go to the village to see Baba Tona. I used to help her out a lot. But when I arrived, I found out that a week ago my neighbor died. How awful! Completely exhausted, I went to my house. There was light in the windows. And so I wanted to knock on the door, not to tell you.
The door opened by a middle-aged man. When he found out that I had lived here before him, he immediately invited me to the house. Inside, everything remained in its place, amazing! He poured me some tea, and I couldn't bear to tell him my whole story.
“Yes, Nina Ivanovna, you had a hard time. It’s not your fault that your children are like this. Older relatives are a burden to many. Let's do this. Stay as long as you need. I don't live here anyway. I come occasionally to relax in nature. I will be very pleased if you look after the house! - suggested the kind man.
I knew it was stupid to refuse such an offer. Arseny looked like a decent man. I had nowhere else to go. It's been 2 months and my daughter has never called me.
I want to believe that Nina Ivanovna will be able to forgive her daughter and her life will improve. Why do you think older relatives cause such negativity and sometimes become a burden? Maybe it's not about them at all? Boldly share your thoughts in the comments!

On that day, I woke up earlier than usual, feeling somewhat restless. My daughter was supposed to visit me with her grandson. Really, she didn't say when. Before they arrived, I decided to make a vegetable soup. But I didn't. I was digging in the garden when I heard my daughter's voice. Even then, I felt that she had come for a reason.
"Hello, Mom. Kolenka and I brought you some food from the city, Tanya sculpted. My daughter doesn’t often indulge me like this, and I’m always embarrassed when she spends her money on me: ‘Daughter, so much! I can't eat that much alone. Then the granddaughter intervened in the conversation: “Don’t worry, ba, I’ll help you.” We're staying tonight!

I can't remember the last time my daughter came to me and stayed the night. I was seriously worried. By the evening, my feelings were justified: Tanya said she needed to talk to me. I immediately asked, “Honey, are you okay with your husband?” You're not getting divorced? ?
Oh no! Of course not. We're doing just fine. That's what I want to talk about. Dima wants a second child, but there is not enough room in our apartment for everyone. So he offered to sell our place and your old house to report the money and buy a bigger apartment. And you will live with us! How do you like this idea? the voice of my daughter rang.

But how am I going to live with them? I'm an old woman and they're young. I like my house and have lived here all my life. I can't just leave here. My arguments didn't convince my daughter. She assured me that I would really like the city, everything was at hand. In the village, it only gets worse every year.
“In general, I give you time to think until the morning, Mom,” the daughter concluded. After weighing the pros and cons, I came to the conclusion that the idea is not so bad after all. I agreed. At first, while my family was solving the issue of a new apartment, I temporarily lived with my son. And then she moved in with her daughter.

But it wasn't as rosy as my daughter described it. After a month of living together, I began to hear reproaches. Then I put the dishes in the wrong place, then the wrong mode in the washing machine turned on. And then one day, I was completely stunned. By chance I heard a conversation between my daughter and her husband: “It’s impossible to live with her!” I stopped sleeping because of her snoring!
I wasn't going to put up with that. Immediately she burst into the room and said, “So while you needed the money and the house, you talked to me affectionately.” And now that it's done, can you put dirt on my back? I'm 75 years old! I warned you you wouldn't like living with me. You should have thought sooner!

Tanya shouted, “Of course you only think about money!” If you don't like something, nobody keeps you here! Go to your beloved son.” At that moment, I was speechless. I just got kicked out. I have nowhere to go. I didn’t want to ask my son, it was useless. He has his own life and I have no place in it.
I decided to go to the village to see Baba Tona. I used to help her out a lot. But when I arrived, I found out that a week ago my neighbor died. How awful! Completely exhausted, I went to my house. There was light in the windows. And so I wanted to knock on the door, not to tell you.
The door opened by a middle-aged man. When he found out that I had lived here before him, he immediately invited me to the house. Inside, everything remained in its place, amazing! He poured me some tea, and I couldn't bear to tell him my whole story.

“Yes, Nina Ivanovna, you had a hard time. It’s not your fault that your children are like this. Older relatives are a burden to many. Let's do this. Stay as long as you need. I don't live here anyway. I come occasionally to relax in nature. I will be very pleased if you look after the house! - suggested the kind man.
I knew it was stupid to refuse such an offer. Arseny looked like a decent man. I had nowhere else to go. It's been 2 months and my daughter has never called me.
I want to believe that Nina Ivanovna will be able to forgive her daughter and her life will improve. Why do you think older relatives cause such negativity and sometimes become a burden? Maybe it's not about them at all? Boldly share your thoughts in the comments!
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