Storing meat without a refrigerator for a year, showing your way, autoclave does not need
How many times? freeze? Is that real at all? After all, as we know, meat can hardly be attributed to products with too long shelf life. It easily spoils, and then has a rather unpleasant aroma. Of course, even in this situation, there are exceptions. Which ones? We talk about them in our article.
This recipe implies the creation of a kind of stew from meat, which will not need to be cooked for too long and time-consuming. Agree, that's enough. singularityBut still. What foods will you need to repeat your recipe?
The ingredients
We recommend that you choose the lids and jar. They do not need to be closed with any keys. This significantly saves time and human resources. Before that, the cans should be well washed and dried to avoid getting inside the stew of any bacteria. It is best to choose banks with a volume of 500 ml.
Original Recipe Preparation
We are preparing such an unusual stew. Take a deep pot to the bottom. Put down the clothPut a pot of meat inside. Completely fill the jar with cold water so that there are no voids.
Cover the pan with a lid and cook the stew, bringing everything to a boil over medium heat. Then you need to reduce the power to a minimum and cook meat for 5-6 hours. As soon as this time passes, you can turn off the stove and leave the cans in the pan until the water cools completely. Take the cans out of the water and wipe each one well. Such meat can be stored for about a year. But provided that the storage temperature will not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. Once the stews are completely cooled, you'll notice the education. seal from the fat layer that was laid on top of the meat. It should protect the meat from premature spoilage.
As you can see, stew can stand for a whole year and nothing will spoil. This is a surprisingly simple and useful recipe. No trouble with an autoclave or an oven. No lids or rolling keys. Everything is as fast as possible and extremely convenient. Just what you need for modern housewives. Did you like that one? stew? Would you experiment at home and repeat this recipe? Share your opinion in the comments.

This recipe implies the creation of a kind of stew from meat, which will not need to be cooked for too long and time-consuming. Agree, that's enough. singularityBut still. What foods will you need to repeat your recipe?
The ingredients
- 3kg beef
- 3 tsp salt
- bow
- bay-leaf
- pepper-pea

We recommend that you choose the lids and jar. They do not need to be closed with any keys. This significantly saves time and human resources. Before that, the cans should be well washed and dried to avoid getting inside the stew of any bacteria. It is best to choose banks with a volume of 500 ml.

Original Recipe Preparation
- It's important to choose fatty. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces. Each should be about 7 cm long. Put the pieces in a deep container and add salt to them. Thoroughly pour salt on each piece of meat.
- Prepare cans and lids for meat, bay leaf and pepper peas, and cut the onion rings. Start. jar, sprinkling pieces with onions. Place a few laurel leaves at the bottom of the cans. Don't forget the pepper.
- Try to put the meat in the jars as tightly as possible so that there are no voids. Moreover, fatty layers of meat are better to lay on top. Leave about 1-2 cm of free space so that the cover can be closed completely easily.

We are preparing such an unusual stew. Take a deep pot to the bottom. Put down the clothPut a pot of meat inside. Completely fill the jar with cold water so that there are no voids.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the stew, bringing everything to a boil over medium heat. Then you need to reduce the power to a minimum and cook meat for 5-6 hours. As soon as this time passes, you can turn off the stove and leave the cans in the pan until the water cools completely. Take the cans out of the water and wipe each one well. Such meat can be stored for about a year. But provided that the storage temperature will not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. Once the stews are completely cooled, you'll notice the education. seal from the fat layer that was laid on top of the meat. It should protect the meat from premature spoilage.

As you can see, stew can stand for a whole year and nothing will spoil. This is a surprisingly simple and useful recipe. No trouble with an autoclave or an oven. No lids or rolling keys. Everything is as fast as possible and extremely convenient. Just what you need for modern housewives. Did you like that one? stew? Would you experiment at home and repeat this recipe? Share your opinion in the comments.
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