Apartments have smoked the apartment, managed to get rid of the smell and yellow plaque, showing the way
Smell of tobacco in the apartment This is something I want to get rid of as soon as possible. However, doing so is not so easy. After all, the resinous substances and oils contained in tobacco penetrate deeply into a variety of surfaces and remain there for a long time.
Today's edition. "Site" How to get rid of an unpleasant smell that has firmly settled in the room. And although this task is not always easy, but there are also enough ways to solve it. Therefore, you can definitely find an option that will help to fix everything.
The smell of tobacco in the apartment "The apartments smoked like steam locomotives, smoked the whole apartment." When we arrived and saw these yellowed walls with our own eyes, when we felt this unpleasant smell that hovered everywhere, we were simply horrified, Maria said.
“Of course, we have come to the conclusion that we will soon have to make repairs, that is inevitable. But it won't be repaired until summer. What do we do before then? The smell was not cleared, especially in the bathroom.”
“Yet we managed to solve the problem almost completely. I read somewhere that the unpleasant smell is absorbed by wet cotton towels. As a result, we wet a dozen of these towels, hung them in all the rooms where it smelled unpleasant.
“Also began to conduct a general cleaning, adding to the water.” ammonia. Rubbed all the surfaces, did not forget to clean and upholstery furniture. I had to wash the carpets and the curtains. Breathing has become much easier.”
“In conclusion, all the rooms were fumigated with bay leaf. They simply sent him to the ashtray remaining from the tenants, set him on fire and slowly walked around the apartment. Then aired. Now the apartment has become much more pleasant. But after all this trouble, I know for sure that the apartment will never be rented out to smokey lodgers again, Maria says.
From ourselves, we pay attention to the fact that about 70% of the unpleasant smell is contained in the tissues. And if it is not possible to completely clean the curtains, upholstery and the same carpets on your own, then you should seek help in dry cleaning. Yes, you will have to spend money, but the effect will immediately be noticeable.
Among other means that help to achieve purity and freshness, you need to highlight vinegar. For example, if one room was particularly affected by smoke, then try to leave a little vinegar here in a small container at night, or better for a day. The air will be cleaner.
Green apples are also considered a good adsorbent. Simply cut the apple into a couple of pieces and leave it in a smoke-polluted room. Remove the unpleasant smell and grains of rice, and coffee beans. Just spread them all over the corners of a room that has suffered from tobacco lovers.
Have you ever gotten rid of the tobacco smell? Share your experience in the comments.
Today's edition. "Site" How to get rid of an unpleasant smell that has firmly settled in the room. And although this task is not always easy, but there are also enough ways to solve it. Therefore, you can definitely find an option that will help to fix everything.
The smell of tobacco in the apartment "The apartments smoked like steam locomotives, smoked the whole apartment." When we arrived and saw these yellowed walls with our own eyes, when we felt this unpleasant smell that hovered everywhere, we were simply horrified, Maria said.
“Of course, we have come to the conclusion that we will soon have to make repairs, that is inevitable. But it won't be repaired until summer. What do we do before then? The smell was not cleared, especially in the bathroom.”
“Yet we managed to solve the problem almost completely. I read somewhere that the unpleasant smell is absorbed by wet cotton towels. As a result, we wet a dozen of these towels, hung them in all the rooms where it smelled unpleasant.
“Also began to conduct a general cleaning, adding to the water.” ammonia. Rubbed all the surfaces, did not forget to clean and upholstery furniture. I had to wash the carpets and the curtains. Breathing has become much easier.”
“In conclusion, all the rooms were fumigated with bay leaf. They simply sent him to the ashtray remaining from the tenants, set him on fire and slowly walked around the apartment. Then aired. Now the apartment has become much more pleasant. But after all this trouble, I know for sure that the apartment will never be rented out to smokey lodgers again, Maria says.
From ourselves, we pay attention to the fact that about 70% of the unpleasant smell is contained in the tissues. And if it is not possible to completely clean the curtains, upholstery and the same carpets on your own, then you should seek help in dry cleaning. Yes, you will have to spend money, but the effect will immediately be noticeable.
Among other means that help to achieve purity and freshness, you need to highlight vinegar. For example, if one room was particularly affected by smoke, then try to leave a little vinegar here in a small container at night, or better for a day. The air will be cleaner.
Green apples are also considered a good adsorbent. Simply cut the apple into a couple of pieces and leave it in a smoke-polluted room. Remove the unpleasant smell and grains of rice, and coffee beans. Just spread them all over the corners of a room that has suffered from tobacco lovers.
Have you ever gotten rid of the tobacco smell? Share your experience in the comments.
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