What gives an aging woman, even if she is crazy about her beauty and cares about her appearance

Number of years lived It is difficult to hide behind the most skillful makeup, and behind the perfect clothes. After all, from the gaze of an attentive person is unlikely to escape those details that indicate the real age of his new friend.

And today's edition. "Site" It offers to talk about those little things that easily give the real age of a woman, no matter how diligently she tries to hide the real numbers in the passport. How do you notice these so-called markers of old age?

Of course, many women may argue that often others can not guess their true age. And instead of the real 40, for example, give 25-30 years. Or instead of 45 give 30-35 years.

In fact, almost every woman looks her own age. And good words from other people are either compliments or delusions.

Moreover, the latter are often based on the fact that a woman looks more well-groomed than her peers, and therefore seems younger. But grooming and youth are different things. There are plenty of well-groomed ladies today. However, younger than their years look units.

What is the real age?
  1. It is not primarily the age of the eyes. Over the years, the look becomes wiser and sadder. And the more trials were on the path of life, the more noticeable this trail is. It is also interesting that if a woman has not lost interest in life in her years, then because of the shine in her eyes she may seem even younger.

  2. The oval of the face also changes. The outlines begin to “swim” a little, and the skin sags in places. This is most often influenced by heredity. Over the years, the likelihood of such changes only grows. Experts assure that by the age of 45, such violations are observed in 8 women out of 10.
  3. The changes even affect skin color. And if in young ladies the skin glows from the inside, then over the years the skin cells renew more slowly. Because of this, even the skin color becomes duller.

  4. Nasolabial folds and dark circles under the eyes also make their contribution to making others better understand the real age of a woman. Of course, these and other problems can be fought with varying success. In the end, however, the years will still take their toll. And that's okay.
  5. The condition of the neck and hands also gives off real years. And even the first beauties of the world can not hide these age-related changes. After all, no cosmetic procedures and means can stop the aging process.
  6. With age, even the way a person thinks changes. And while any middle-aged woman can look in the mirror and think that only her face has gotten older, that’s not really true. It is enough to talk to young people to notice that they really look at the world differently, think differently. The acquired life experience cannot be hidden.

A person can feel great at any age. If he is happy with the way he looks, that is the main thing. And to be young just to hear a few compliments is such an idea. It is hardly worth wasting time and effort on this.

What do you think of that? Share your comments in the comments.


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