Husband left for the anniversary of his mother alone and returned in upset feelings, I refused to go to the holiday

“Meeting the groom’s parents did not go as I expected. Zhenya is a kind and caring guy. I expected the same behavior from the people who raised him, Olga admits. Even before the wedding, she had a strange feeling when she met her future mother-in-law.

Zhenya Nina Borisovna brought up from the age of three. The boy’s mother left her husband, and she went to work abroad. There she met a man and decided to stay and build her life without a child from her first marriage. And Nina Borisovna 25 years ago met Pope Zhenya and raised the child as a native.

From the very beginning, Nina Borisovna said that she was a stepmother. She said it with pride, they say, raised someone else's little boy. Now she expects gratitude not only from her son and husband, with whom she lived for many years, but also from her new daughter-in-law. The story of my future husband’s childhood was told by my parents all night.

Papa Zheni said that after the divorce, he lived with his mother for some time, and then he met Nina, and his life began to play with new colors. Surprisingly, the boy accepted and always called his mother. Then Nina Borisovna closed her eyes from compliments, it became clear how much she likes to listen to flattery in her address. And then she stroked her husband's hand and said, "You have to know everything, my dear." Now you are joining our family, I strongly disagree with these words.

Yes, we'll be getting married soon and talking to my husband's parents. We will live separately, and I have my own family. Two weeks before the painting, my mother-in-law visited my apartment, where Zhenya and I were going to live after the wedding. Nina Borisovna walked around the apartment, looked into all the lockers and bedside tables, and then said that my house somehow uncomfortable. The curtains should be changed: “Don’t worry, I will solve this issue.”

But I don’t want to change anything in my apartment, that’s what I told Nina Borisovna. And she was outraged that I was rude to her. Like, has not yet become a daughter-in-law, and already argue with the parents of her husband: It is not very beautiful of you to emphasize the fact that Zhenya will live in your apartment. I also moved in with my husband in my time and cleaned up as I wanted.

“Obviously no one told her what curtains to hang in the house.” Now she has decided to bring beauty to the house where her son will live. That day I was upset by the visit of the stepmother's wife, he tried to smooth the corners. And the next weekend, my mom told me to think again before getting married, ‘Maybe we shouldn’t be in a hurry.’ It will be difficult for you with your mother-in-law, since she is so stubbornly putting things right from the beginning, but I said that we will live separately from our parents, so we will cope. I didn’t want to ruin 5 years of relationship because I don’t have a good relationship with his mother.

After the wedding, the husband’s parents came with a new cornice and curtains. At first I tried to object, but my mother-in-law was so encouraged that Zhenya stopped me. My mother-in-law tried, chose the curtains for two weeks, even though I said I didn't want to change anything in my house. They hung up their curtains, and then I threw my relatives out the door. Of course, they were very offended.

After that, I became so angry with my husband and his parents that a month later I could not just go to the anniversary of my mother-in-law. Zhenya tried to convince me, but I knew that I did not want to see this woman either in my house or on her doorstep. Everyone was expecting an apology from me. For what? For now indicating what and how I will do in my own home?

Unresolved conflict "Wive went to her mother's birthday party by herself." Then he came back at midnight, sad. Accused me of not apologizing for not congratulating my mother-in-law. She raised him. A few months later, we realized that this could not continue. The marriage in which parents climb is doomed to failure. It's been 6 years since then. I have a loved one that I am expecting a baby from. I'm sure it couldn't have been otherwise. Now I am absolutely happy with my new husband, and by the way, I have a great relationship with his parents.

Life wisdom and editorial advice Raising someone else’s child as your own is a serious and responsible decision. When Nina Borisovna assumed this responsibility, she felt a certain power. Hyper-care is also characteristic of native mothers. Unwilling to accept the fact that the child has long been an adult and now he will have his own family, mothers try to control adult children. No one likes it, and the relationship between children and parents quickly deteriorates.

Mikhail Labkovsky, a psychologist, said that if a woman can’t let go, she has nothing else to do. Raising children becomes the meaning of life for mothers, and then they are stressed and do not want to admit that children can take care of themselves.


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