What the broken gold chain signals in the middle of the day and what to do
Recently, I have chain brokeI went to the master at the first opportunity. The cute man looked at me and said, "Silver." That's not good, honey. I'll fix the chain, of course. But you take care of yourself!
I was confused and didn’t immediately understand what he meant. It turned out that a lot of folk signs are associated with the broken chain. Although I'm not one of those people who believes in this, I'm interested in delving into the subject. So today I'm going to talk about all the superstitions in more detail!
If a person broke a silver chain, it is believed that soon he may become sick. And if the gold chain is broken, then a serious, perhaps even chronic disease awaits him. It is easy to draw an analogy between the chain and human life. It is only one link to fail, and the entire mechanism will immediately be disrupted.
Chains are made not only of gold and silver, but also of other materials. For example, a broken platinum chain portends poor health. It also signals that an existing disease may begin to progress. If something went wrong with the chain of ordinary metal (jewelry), the owner of the jewelry should take more care of himself and pay attention to his appearance.
The location of the chain on the body can be worn on different parts of the body. For example, on the arm or leg as a bracelet. Superstitions associated with a broken chain also depend on its location.
Problems at work are signaled by a broken chain on the arm. And if the bracelet broke on the leg, the person is in trouble during the next trip. It should be postponed until better times. When the chain breaks around the neck, it can lead to quarrels and conflicts with people around you. Perhaps you should reconsider your views on the circle of communication.
If the chain did not break, but accidentally unbuttoned and slept from the body, the hostess or the owner of this jewelry is waiting for difficulties in life. Unfortunately, the chain can break and get lost. This suggests that a person could be damaged.
When the chain breaks and falls to the floor, it is very important to catch it. In this case, you can protect yourself from a serious ailment and identify it before it begins to progress. If the jewelry falls at the feet of a person, this is a bad sign. An incurable disease will lead to a fatal outcome.
Not only the chain can become unusable, but also other jewelry. But don't get upset. If you take it as a sign from the universe, it's not so sad. In general, any breakdown is a sign that you need to breathe out and think about your life.
Maybe you should go to church, remember your sins and confess. This will help you to free yourself from all the negativity that somehow accumulates within each of us.
If your jewelry is bent, it signals trouble that awaits you in the future. But you can fix everything: it is important to weigh the pros and cons before you do something.
In no case should you lose jewelry donated by a loved one. This can lead to separation and even divorce. There is a lot to do with the wedding ring. For example, if one of the newlyweds drops a ring at a wedding, trouble awaits them in family life. After the ceremony, the rings can no longer be removed because they protect the family.
This is not the entire list of superstitions associated with jewelry. What are wedding rings worth? They have their attention before the wedding, during and after it. Chains are very complicated, too. For example, if it broke in a single woman, it is a good sign. There will soon be a worthy man on his way.
If you believe in signs and know a couple of interesting ones, be sure to share them in the comments. We'll wait for you downstairs!

I was confused and didn’t immediately understand what he meant. It turned out that a lot of folk signs are associated with the broken chain. Although I'm not one of those people who believes in this, I'm interested in delving into the subject. So today I'm going to talk about all the superstitions in more detail!
If a person broke a silver chain, it is believed that soon he may become sick. And if the gold chain is broken, then a serious, perhaps even chronic disease awaits him. It is easy to draw an analogy between the chain and human life. It is only one link to fail, and the entire mechanism will immediately be disrupted.

Chains are made not only of gold and silver, but also of other materials. For example, a broken platinum chain portends poor health. It also signals that an existing disease may begin to progress. If something went wrong with the chain of ordinary metal (jewelry), the owner of the jewelry should take more care of himself and pay attention to his appearance.
The location of the chain on the body can be worn on different parts of the body. For example, on the arm or leg as a bracelet. Superstitions associated with a broken chain also depend on its location.
Problems at work are signaled by a broken chain on the arm. And if the bracelet broke on the leg, the person is in trouble during the next trip. It should be postponed until better times. When the chain breaks around the neck, it can lead to quarrels and conflicts with people around you. Perhaps you should reconsider your views on the circle of communication.
If the chain did not break, but accidentally unbuttoned and slept from the body, the hostess or the owner of this jewelry is waiting for difficulties in life. Unfortunately, the chain can break and get lost. This suggests that a person could be damaged.

When the chain breaks and falls to the floor, it is very important to catch it. In this case, you can protect yourself from a serious ailment and identify it before it begins to progress. If the jewelry falls at the feet of a person, this is a bad sign. An incurable disease will lead to a fatal outcome.
Not only the chain can become unusable, but also other jewelry. But don't get upset. If you take it as a sign from the universe, it's not so sad. In general, any breakdown is a sign that you need to breathe out and think about your life.

Maybe you should go to church, remember your sins and confess. This will help you to free yourself from all the negativity that somehow accumulates within each of us.
If your jewelry is bent, it signals trouble that awaits you in the future. But you can fix everything: it is important to weigh the pros and cons before you do something.

In no case should you lose jewelry donated by a loved one. This can lead to separation and even divorce. There is a lot to do with the wedding ring. For example, if one of the newlyweds drops a ring at a wedding, trouble awaits them in family life. After the ceremony, the rings can no longer be removed because they protect the family.
This is not the entire list of superstitions associated with jewelry. What are wedding rings worth? They have their attention before the wedding, during and after it. Chains are very complicated, too. For example, if it broke in a single woman, it is a good sign. There will soon be a worthy man on his way.
If you believe in signs and know a couple of interesting ones, be sure to share them in the comments. We'll wait for you downstairs!
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