Which plants will protect you from the evil eye and spoilage, and which are better never to bring into the house

The most. plantage These are the ones that, in addition to beauty, were marked by other functions. For example, there are houseplants and herbs that have the property to resist any negative effects.

Today's edition. "Site" They will tell you which plants will protect you. evil eyeWhich ones are best never brought into the house. Not only does the eye please, but the house is also protected!

The most useful plants

The old grandmother from the village says, "The cactus is cursed in vain." This overseas plant works perfectly as a talisman. Put the cactus in the hallway, closer to the front door, and you don't have to worry about bad looks and evil tongues!

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Publication by б Cactus del NOA Vivero (@cactusdelnoa)

The tradition will also protect against unwanted guests, gossip and malicious intent of ill-wishers. This flower is able to update and clean the energy in the house. It is better to put the tradition in the kitchen, next to the dining table, or on the coffee table in the living room.

Well, pelargonium, or geranium, as it is called in the people, its aroma neutralizes any negative impactIt is directed against the household.

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Publication by Elena Ivanova (Rogozhkina) (@ivanova_elena.vl)

Also, rosemary with its aroma attracts love to the house and drives away sorrows. This plant is extremely fond of light. Rosemary can also accumulate it. That is why esotericists consider rosemary one of the most powerful plants-amulets for the house.

In addition to rosemary, basil is also very useful.

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Publication from the Herb Creativity of the Dream Family (@annashmelinka)

Everyone knows about the useful qualities of flax. Linen fabric enjoys enviable popularity among most lovers of natural materials. But about the plant itself with soft blue flowers for some reason forget. For nothing.

Flax flowers are considered a good talisman from spoilage and evil eye, but the seeds can attract financial well-being. It is enough to carry them with you in your pocket or purse. And at home you can fill them with a small container, throwing a few coins into it.

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Publication from knitted socks and not only. (@nataliya.s.knit)

By the way, if you have nightmares, you can put a glass of flax seeds near the bed, they neutralize the bad effects, and sleep will become calm.

Perhaps the strongest defender is sage. He's totally neutralizing. low-energyCorrecting it to good and pure.

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Publication by TSW (@tswoodd)

Roses bring an atmosphere of kindness and love to the house, and lavender (both as a pot and dried) brings harmony and well-being to the house. Disagreements and tainted discord resolve themselves and very quickly. Leave lavender in the house to prevent further conflict.

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Post by MAISTERN QUITIV MUSE (@muse_flowershop)

But ivy, monster, azalea, primrose and ficus Benjamin in the house is better not to keep. They not only have negative energy, but are also able to cause discofort sensations in both households and pets.

For example, ivy attracts various ailments to the house, generates quarrels. It is undesirable to keep it even in offices. Ivy has male energy and almost survives men from the house in which it is located.

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Post by Olga (@middaystoryru)

Monster is one of the strongest. vampire, if I may say so. Please don't put a monster in bedrooms or children's rooms. If there are children or elderly people in the house, the monster will begin to actively feed on them.

And now I will upset you, loving many orchids also very negatively affects both the energy in the house and the household.

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Publication by ORKID BAKIM VE TÜR ÖNERİLERİ (@orkidegezegeniii)

Especially dangerous orchid for indecisive, weak-willed people. The most powerful effect of this beautiful plant is manifested at night and the hours of dawn.

I also suggest finding out which plants will clean the air like a vacuum cleaner. Improve air quality and even fill your home with positive energy.

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Publication by Women's Community | Brightening RA (@siyanie.radosti)

Amulet plants include: wormwood, St. John's wort, melissa, thistle, fern, garlic, onions, nettles and pervines. They will protect the house from theft, unkind people, damage, evil eye and any other trouble. In addition, these amulets are able to sow around themselves. joyfulness and well-being.

The most useful plants are those that please the eye, purify the air, create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort. If you want to get home from work as soon as possible, because there you fill up and recover, then your plants are doing their job for glory.


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