After that, the person will not want to communicate with you anymore and prefer to erase you from life.
None of us are immune to mistakes in our interactions with others. Once or twice, everyone made mistakes in communicating with others. However, not everyone knows in time where to fix. Because of which there may be misunderstandings, quarrels. Or they'll stop talking to you. So today we will talk about the 3 main mistakes that can ruin the relationship between people.
Mistakes in communication Good as a matter of course To good quickly get used to. This also applies to the attitude of others. If someone shows you kindness once, you’ll say thank you. But if that kindness is regular (a relative sharing foods, a friend making surprises, a partner making you tea every day), a person may begin to take it for granted. The reaction will arise only in the case of refusal to do good or to provide a service.
Peels And then there's outrage. “Why didn't I get a favor? I am always required to provide services.” That's exactly what's not. In fact, nobody owes anyone anything. And everything that a person once received was only at the initiative of the “givers”. But because they receive no gratitude or response, the initiative is lost.
Always remember that all services deserve gratitude.
Few people like to communicate with a person who is unable to admit his mistake or guilt. Because when they fail, they tend to shift responsibility to someone else. If such a person collides with someone on the street, it was not he who overlooked, and the other was on his road.
Such people are often found on the street in similar circumstances. When instead of “sorry”, words of condemnation are poured on you, and the mood begins to deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that admitting guilt is not a sign of weakness, but elementary respect for oneself and others.
It is very common to hear stories about how parents downplay the merits of their children or their problems. Unfortunately, this is quite common in relationships between people. Because of their inability to genuinely rejoice, or because of their fear of showing feelings, some people say everything so that others’ experiences or joys don’t seem so important.
"Wrote a picture?" Pff, so what, I can do that, too.
"The guy quit?" So what, with whom it does not happen?
Such a long-term impact very negatively affects the overall emotional state. And if the depreciation comes from the closest people (partner, parents, friends), self-esteem will begin to fall and the person will cease to perceive themselves properly. And when a person realizes where his problems with self-perception come from, communication quickly disappears.
Such signals are more mature and self-sufficient people easily read. Therefore, they quickly stop communicating with someone who demonstrates depreciation.
If you notice or notice something similar, you should think and reconsider the method of communicating with people. Have you ever made such mistakes in communication? Or maybe you noticed something like this in your friends?
Mistakes in communication Good as a matter of course To good quickly get used to. This also applies to the attitude of others. If someone shows you kindness once, you’ll say thank you. But if that kindness is regular (a relative sharing foods, a friend making surprises, a partner making you tea every day), a person may begin to take it for granted. The reaction will arise only in the case of refusal to do good or to provide a service.
Peels And then there's outrage. “Why didn't I get a favor? I am always required to provide services.” That's exactly what's not. In fact, nobody owes anyone anything. And everything that a person once received was only at the initiative of the “givers”. But because they receive no gratitude or response, the initiative is lost.
Always remember that all services deserve gratitude.
Few people like to communicate with a person who is unable to admit his mistake or guilt. Because when they fail, they tend to shift responsibility to someone else. If such a person collides with someone on the street, it was not he who overlooked, and the other was on his road.
Such people are often found on the street in similar circumstances. When instead of “sorry”, words of condemnation are poured on you, and the mood begins to deteriorate rapidly. Therefore, it is always worth remembering that admitting guilt is not a sign of weakness, but elementary respect for oneself and others.
It is very common to hear stories about how parents downplay the merits of their children or their problems. Unfortunately, this is quite common in relationships between people. Because of their inability to genuinely rejoice, or because of their fear of showing feelings, some people say everything so that others’ experiences or joys don’t seem so important.
"Wrote a picture?" Pff, so what, I can do that, too.
"The guy quit?" So what, with whom it does not happen?
Such a long-term impact very negatively affects the overall emotional state. And if the depreciation comes from the closest people (partner, parents, friends), self-esteem will begin to fall and the person will cease to perceive themselves properly. And when a person realizes where his problems with self-perception come from, communication quickly disappears.
Such signals are more mature and self-sufficient people easily read. Therefore, they quickly stop communicating with someone who demonstrates depreciation.
If you notice or notice something similar, you should think and reconsider the method of communicating with people. Have you ever made such mistakes in communication? Or maybe you noticed something like this in your friends?
I do in the kitchen without combiners and blenders, one simple grater is enough, the main thing is to be able to use it competently.
The employee of the mobile service told how we destroy our smartphones without even knowing it