Free love of Dmitry Dibrov and his young wife, easily lets her have fun
Until recently, relationships without obligations were considered taboo. Not everyone dared to admit that he was in such a union, because he was simply afraid of condemnation. And although in our time it has become much easier to treat, the hardened conservative is still alien. The essence of free relationships.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll try to open up the subject. And we will also tell you which of the domestic celebrities openly declare that they are in a relationship without obligations.
The essence of free relationships is that people, having a permanent partner, can freely communicate with other representatives of the opposite sex. They don’t have to tell each other who was with whom or where. They also don’t have to make excuses and ask permission to go out with someone.
However, it should be understood that in each such union partners predetermine the range of their capabilities. Some will limit themselves to just talking and meeting other women or men. And for someone it will be normal to be in someone else's bed.
Free relationships There is no room for jealousy and prejudice. Either you trust your partner and turn a blind eye to his actions, or this type of relationship simply does not suit you. Some people believe that people go for it, just despairing in life. However, in fact, not everyone wants to burden themselves with unnecessary responsibility and burden their chosen one or chosen one with unnecessary obligations. Everyone has their own happiness.
Among the celebrities there are those who openly declare their unusual relationships. For example, not so long ago, Dmitry Dibrov admitted to the media that he does not constrain his wife with any obligations. 12 years ago, the famous TV presenter married model Polina Nagradova. At that time, the girl was only 20 years old, and the showman turned 50.
Polina became the 4th wife of Dibrov, and he has long earned fame as a star heartthrob of the country. Add here a 30-year difference in the age of the spouses and get a natural result: about the couple immediately began to gossip. Many predicted that their marriage would not last long.
Nevertheless, Dmitry and Polina are happy. Together they raise three sons and make plans for the future. Maybe the secret to a successful marriage is an open relationship. Dibrov allows his companion to spend time with other men while he disappears from work. He thinks there's nothing wrong with that. Moreover, in this way his wife can properly rest and relax.
Interestingly, Dmitry himself is not looking for entertainment on the side. He doesn't have time for that. He also loves his wife so much that he is not attracted to other women. Spouses hardly swear. The showman sees no point in it and says very nicely about his wife: "Well, how can I fight with this child?"
Dibrov actually treats Pauline as if she were his daughter. The model once said this in an interview. She thinks it's normal because there's such a big age difference between them.
It is obvious that Dmitry and Polina are in the Strong mutually beneficial relationships. Many people will find their marriage strange and atypical. More importantly, how they feel about it. It seems to us that the couple understood the essence of free relationships in their own way. And that makes them happy.
How do you feel about a relationship without commitment? Do you think this is possible in marriage? It will be interesting to know your point of view in the comments!

Today's edition. "Site" He'll try to open up the subject. And we will also tell you which of the domestic celebrities openly declare that they are in a relationship without obligations.
The essence of free relationships is that people, having a permanent partner, can freely communicate with other representatives of the opposite sex. They don’t have to tell each other who was with whom or where. They also don’t have to make excuses and ask permission to go out with someone.

However, it should be understood that in each such union partners predetermine the range of their capabilities. Some will limit themselves to just talking and meeting other women or men. And for someone it will be normal to be in someone else's bed.

Free relationships There is no room for jealousy and prejudice. Either you trust your partner and turn a blind eye to his actions, or this type of relationship simply does not suit you. Some people believe that people go for it, just despairing in life. However, in fact, not everyone wants to burden themselves with unnecessary responsibility and burden their chosen one or chosen one with unnecessary obligations. Everyone has their own happiness.
Among the celebrities there are those who openly declare their unusual relationships. For example, not so long ago, Dmitry Dibrov admitted to the media that he does not constrain his wife with any obligations. 12 years ago, the famous TV presenter married model Polina Nagradova. At that time, the girl was only 20 years old, and the showman turned 50.
Polina became the 4th wife of Dibrov, and he has long earned fame as a star heartthrob of the country. Add here a 30-year difference in the age of the spouses and get a natural result: about the couple immediately began to gossip. Many predicted that their marriage would not last long.
Nevertheless, Dmitry and Polina are happy. Together they raise three sons and make plans for the future. Maybe the secret to a successful marriage is an open relationship. Dibrov allows his companion to spend time with other men while he disappears from work. He thinks there's nothing wrong with that. Moreover, in this way his wife can properly rest and relax.
Interestingly, Dmitry himself is not looking for entertainment on the side. He doesn't have time for that. He also loves his wife so much that he is not attracted to other women. Spouses hardly swear. The showman sees no point in it and says very nicely about his wife: "Well, how can I fight with this child?"
Dibrov actually treats Pauline as if she were his daughter. The model once said this in an interview. She thinks it's normal because there's such a big age difference between them.
It is obvious that Dmitry and Polina are in the Strong mutually beneficial relationships. Many people will find their marriage strange and atypical. More importantly, how they feel about it. It seems to us that the couple understood the essence of free relationships in their own way. And that makes them happy.
How do you feel about a relationship without commitment? Do you think this is possible in marriage? It will be interesting to know your point of view in the comments!
The same day I changed the locks so that my husband could not get into the apartment, fortunately it was not registered with me.
Home spit from pumpkin, and pancakes adore, fry pancakes on boiling water in huge batches.