My rheumatism took off like a hand when I made a tincture of this plant! Every house has one.
cacti or cactiA family of perennial flowering plants. They have an enlarged stem of various shapes, which differs depending on the species, and modified leaves are thorns. The birthplace of cacti is America, and they were brought to Europe only in the XVI century.
We all know that cactus is unpretentious. householdWhich even a lazy person can take care of. Indeed, in the cold season, the cactus can be watered every two weeks, but in the summer the plant needs to be provided with frequent watering. Melt or rain water is perfect for this. It is recommended to place a pot with a cactus either on the balcony or on the windowsill.
Most cactus lovers often put it on their desktop, near a computer monitor or even a TV screen. And scientists have long found an explanation for this. They believe that cacti block harmful electromagnetic impulses emanating from a variety of techniques, reduce their negative impact on humans.
However, these spiny plants were used by our ancestors long before the advent of computers. Since ancient times, the cactus has been used for medicinal purposes, eaten, built dwellings from cactus wood, and also used the plant during religious rituals. And now in some regions of the world, the cactus is massively bred and sold.
But this is not a complete list, here are 7 more healing properties of the cactus, which you will be delighted with!
It is also important to know how to use a prickly plant for various diseases:
What a wonderful healing plant! We hope you enjoyed our notes, and from now on, the cactus will no longer be easy for you. planterA miserable existence on the windowsill. Share this article with your friends if you want them to stay healthy too.

We all know that cactus is unpretentious. householdWhich even a lazy person can take care of. Indeed, in the cold season, the cactus can be watered every two weeks, but in the summer the plant needs to be provided with frequent watering. Melt or rain water is perfect for this. It is recommended to place a pot with a cactus either on the balcony or on the windowsill.

Most cactus lovers often put it on their desktop, near a computer monitor or even a TV screen. And scientists have long found an explanation for this. They believe that cacti block harmful electromagnetic impulses emanating from a variety of techniques, reduce their negative impact on humans.

However, these spiny plants were used by our ancestors long before the advent of computers. Since ancient times, the cactus has been used for medicinal purposes, eaten, built dwellings from cactus wood, and also used the plant during religious rituals. And now in some regions of the world, the cactus is massively bred and sold.

But this is not a complete list, here are 7 more healing properties of the cactus, which you will be delighted with!
- The composition of the cactus includes alkaloids, which cause its powerful antibacterial effect.
- Cacti resist the development and growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.
- Cactus juice is used to treat rheumatism.
- For fractures, compresses from the juice of the plant are used.
- Water and alcohol tinctures of the cactus are used to treat cardiovascular diseases.
- Cactus eliminates pain in the stomach, regulates metabolic processes and strengthens immunity.
- Also, the plant has diuretic properties, eliminates hangover syndrome, relieves headache, promotes rapid healing of wounds.
It is also important to know how to use a prickly plant for various diseases:
- With cough, cold and tuberculosis
To make such a medicine, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of cactus juice and althea juice, add a tablespoon of honey. Take a healing drug is 1 teaspoon three times a day. - In chronic bronchitis
Mix two tablespoons of crushed plants with one liter of milk, insist for 12 hours, take half a glass 3 times a day. - To treat purulent wounds
Mix cactus juice and horseradish juice in a ratio of 2: 1, soak this mixture with gauze. The bandage should be applied to the wound and changed every 3 hours. - To treat the stomach
Grind the cactus pulp, place 3 tablespoons in a thermos, add a mandarin peel, pour 0.5 liters of hot milk, insist for 14 hours. Drink half a glass of liquid 3 times a day before meals.
193503 - With joint pain, radiculitis
Remove the thorns, cut off a piece of cactus, grind, rub the gruel into sore places, then wrap the sore spot and provide yourself with several hours of rest.

What a wonderful healing plant! We hope you enjoyed our notes, and from now on, the cactus will no longer be easy for you. planterA miserable existence on the windowsill. Share this article with your friends if you want them to stay healthy too.
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