This homemade grandmother’s recipe is used to this day: varicose veins, skin and eye diseases, warts, everything goes away.
I remember when I was a child, my mother treated a cold with green juice. kalanchoe. I was surprised then, but I am doing the same today! This plant is not only a beautiful decoration of the house, it is a real treasure trove of health for the whole family. Kalanchoe is a home doctor bestowed by nature itself.
"Site" It will tell you why every house must have a pot of Kalanchoe.
Kalanchoe medicinal Kalanchoe is a plant that has positive energy. His mere presence in the room will give a boost of strength and energy, and his ability to disinfect the air is priceless. The substances that this amazing plant contains have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.
Kalanchoe perfectly stimulates immunity and strengthens the body, has wound healing and antitumor ability. Not for nothing. kalanchoe Fans of traditional medicine have been appreciated for more than a century.
Treatment of boils and varicose veins
The crushed leaves of Kalanchoe pour boiled water and leave on a slow heat for 20 minutes. Use 100 ml of healing decoction 3 times a day for the treatment of varicose veins. The same infusion is indicated for the treatment of purulent wounds. Eliminating toothache
Wash the Kalanchoe leaves, cut them finely and squeeze the juice. Add 200 ml of water to the juice and heat the mixture in a water bath. Take 50 ml of medicine 4 times a day. This tool perfectly eliminates toothache and helps to reduce inflammatory processes in the gums.
Eliminating bleeding and pain
Take the fresh leaves of the plant, wash thoroughly, grind with a knife, and then in a meat grinder. From the resulting gruel squeeze the juice, and the mass itself put in a sore place. Such gruel from Kalanchoe perfectly fights bleeding and relieves pain. Tuberculosis therapy
Kalanchoe juice - an effective complement to complex therapy of tuberculosis. 10 ml of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice mixed with 70 ml of boiled water. Consume the mixture daily before eating. You will feel the results after 3 months of intensive care!
Treatment of skin diseases
Treat the problem areas of the skin with Kalanchoe juice, and you will not regret it. Treatment of otitis and pressure sores
Prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, mix 30 ml of plant juice with 5 ml of medical alcohol, mix thoroughly. Use the resulting mixture as ear drops for otitis or treat the affected areas of the body with it.
Compress against warts
Grind the leaf of the plant, put the gruel on the problem area of the skin, cover with food film and fasten with a bandage. The duration of such therapy is 2 hours. Treatment of conjunctivitis and blepharitis
Kalanchoe effectively fights ophthalmic diseases. Wash a few Kalanchoe leaves and cut finely. Add a couple of tablespoons of water, boil, cool and filter. Wash your eyes with this decoction 3 times a day. By the way, a similar decoction treats sore throat and stomatitis, simply rinsing their mouth and throat.
It is not recommended to use Kalanchoe for individual intolerance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Do not give medicinal preparations of the plant to young children, and adults are contraindicated to abuse frequent use of the plant. If the first signs of allergies occur, immediately stop using the drug.
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"Site" It will tell you why every house must have a pot of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe medicinal Kalanchoe is a plant that has positive energy. His mere presence in the room will give a boost of strength and energy, and his ability to disinfect the air is priceless. The substances that this amazing plant contains have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties.
Kalanchoe perfectly stimulates immunity and strengthens the body, has wound healing and antitumor ability. Not for nothing. kalanchoe Fans of traditional medicine have been appreciated for more than a century.

- Treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis
Use the juice of the plant as drops in the nose. Instill 2 drops of juice in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day, and you will easily get rid of the common cold.

Treatment of boils and varicose veins
The crushed leaves of Kalanchoe pour boiled water and leave on a slow heat for 20 minutes. Use 100 ml of healing decoction 3 times a day for the treatment of varicose veins. The same infusion is indicated for the treatment of purulent wounds. Eliminating toothache
Wash the Kalanchoe leaves, cut them finely and squeeze the juice. Add 200 ml of water to the juice and heat the mixture in a water bath. Take 50 ml of medicine 4 times a day. This tool perfectly eliminates toothache and helps to reduce inflammatory processes in the gums.

Eliminating bleeding and pain
Take the fresh leaves of the plant, wash thoroughly, grind with a knife, and then in a meat grinder. From the resulting gruel squeeze the juice, and the mass itself put in a sore place. Such gruel from Kalanchoe perfectly fights bleeding and relieves pain. Tuberculosis therapy
Kalanchoe juice - an effective complement to complex therapy of tuberculosis. 10 ml of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice mixed with 70 ml of boiled water. Consume the mixture daily before eating. You will feel the results after 3 months of intensive care!

Treatment of skin diseases
Treat the problem areas of the skin with Kalanchoe juice, and you will not regret it. Treatment of otitis and pressure sores
Prepare a tincture of Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, mix 30 ml of plant juice with 5 ml of medical alcohol, mix thoroughly. Use the resulting mixture as ear drops for otitis or treat the affected areas of the body with it.

Compress against warts
Grind the leaf of the plant, put the gruel on the problem area of the skin, cover with food film and fasten with a bandage. The duration of such therapy is 2 hours. Treatment of conjunctivitis and blepharitis
Kalanchoe effectively fights ophthalmic diseases. Wash a few Kalanchoe leaves and cut finely. Add a couple of tablespoons of water, boil, cool and filter. Wash your eyes with this decoction 3 times a day. By the way, a similar decoction treats sore throat and stomatitis, simply rinsing their mouth and throat.

It is not recommended to use Kalanchoe for individual intolerance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Do not give medicinal preparations of the plant to young children, and adults are contraindicated to abuse frequent use of the plant. If the first signs of allergies occur, immediately stop using the drug.
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