The village healer advised to apply a patch with garlic. The warts haven't disappeared so fast!
Garlic has long won the title of home healer. And for good reason, because it contains 400 active components that help fight many ailments. It is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, amino acids, essential oils and vegetable fats.
Folk healers advise using garlic not only to fight colds and infections, but also with warts and fungus. Editorial "Site" will tell you how easy it is to get rid of a defect on the skin caused by one of the varieties of human papillomavirus.
The human papilloma virus is widespread, and no one is immune from it. Among the skin diseases it causes, three are particularly common: simple, plantar and flat warts. They are often referred to as cosmetic defects, especially women. But in order that warts do not appear again in the same place, they need to be treated, and not just removed by means of short-term action.
So, that get rid of warts at homeYou're gonna need garlic and Band-Aid. Cut it, or rather, rub it or crush a clove of garlic. Place it on a patch and secure it in place with a wart. Change this compress as soon as you feel it starting to dry out.
Change the bandage regularly for two weeks or until you get the desired results. The patch will amazingly affect the site of the lesion, and no wart It won't stay in the end. The only drawback of this tool is the smell, but the result is worth it.
Editorial advice Note that this tool is suitable for getting rid of warts that are on the skin. If they settled on the mucous membrane or on the genitals, then the patch with garlic should not be used. Don't put off seeing a doctor.
Share this simple and effective method of fighting warts with your friends on social networks, and also tell us about your ways to deal with this problem.

Folk healers advise using garlic not only to fight colds and infections, but also with warts and fungus. Editorial "Site" will tell you how easy it is to get rid of a defect on the skin caused by one of the varieties of human papillomavirus.

The human papilloma virus is widespread, and no one is immune from it. Among the skin diseases it causes, three are particularly common: simple, plantar and flat warts. They are often referred to as cosmetic defects, especially women. But in order that warts do not appear again in the same place, they need to be treated, and not just removed by means of short-term action.

So, that get rid of warts at homeYou're gonna need garlic and Band-Aid. Cut it, or rather, rub it or crush a clove of garlic. Place it on a patch and secure it in place with a wart. Change this compress as soon as you feel it starting to dry out.

Change the bandage regularly for two weeks or until you get the desired results. The patch will amazingly affect the site of the lesion, and no wart It won't stay in the end. The only drawback of this tool is the smell, but the result is worth it.

Editorial advice Note that this tool is suitable for getting rid of warts that are on the skin. If they settled on the mucous membrane or on the genitals, then the patch with garlic should not be used. Don't put off seeing a doctor.
Share this simple and effective method of fighting warts with your friends on social networks, and also tell us about your ways to deal with this problem.
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