The Japanese really appreciate this sea delicacy: the legendary Cucumaria! A piece extends life by a month.

In Japan, it is believed that life is extended by three days thanks to one night of sound sleep. cerealIt can extend it for a whole month. Let’s try to learn more about this delicacy. In the nearest supermarket, you can hardly buy it, but you can look for such wonderful properties!

Cucumaria belongs to the genus of echinoderms from the class of holothuroidea. Some species of holothuria, especially from the genera Stychopus and Cucumaria, are eaten under the name "trepangi". They are also called sea cucumbers or sea cucumbers. There are about 1,100 species of sea cubes. The name "sea cucumbers" these animals gave Pliny, and the description of some species belongs to Aristotle.

The main fisheries of sea cucumbers are concentrated mainly off the coast of Japan and China. In the Far Eastern seas, 2 types of edible holoturia are mined (Stichopus japonicus and Cucumaria japonica). These are sea-delicacy They go to the preparation of canned food and dried products.

The musculoskeletal sac of holoturium is more often used for food, pre-exposed to prolonged processing by cooking, drying, and in some countries smoking. From such semi-finished products, broths, stews are prepared.

In Italy, fishermen eat fried holoturia without exposing them to complex pre-processing. In its raw form, edible holoturia are used for food in Japan, where after removing the insides, they are sliced and seasoned with soy sauce and vinegar.


Oh. trepang There are, without exaggeration, legends. It is claimed that trepang and its tincture have unique properties to increase the ability to regenerate and can be used as a rejuvenating elixir to eliminate wrinkles and renew fading skin. This is due to the fact that in nature, sea cucumbers can completely regenerate from even one-third of the body. Growing a lost leg such an elixir, of course, will not help, but still...


In oriental medicine, trepang has long been used as an effective remedy against many serious diseases and for the strength of the therapeutic effect was valued along with ginseng. Modern scientific studies have confirmed that trepang tissues are literally oversaturated with valuable trace elements and biologically active substances. The composition of nutrients with trepang can not be compared to any known organism.

Wide popularity gained tinctureIt is based on a unique recipe of oriental medicine. Chinese doctors claim that it saturates the body with a complex of necessary elements, improves immunity, the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, prolongs life.

Sea cucumber You can fry, dry, preserve. Cucumaria is usually served with vegetables, lean meat or other seafood. You need to cook it for a long time, at least 2 hours. After two hours, you need to try not to digest, otherwise the consistency will not please - it will be like jelly. And she should be so elastic, crispy. If you have already bought cooked coucumaria, it is enough to defrost it at room temperature.


Often on sale you can find trepangs in dried form, covered with black coal dust - this protects them from spoilage. Before cooking, they must be kept for two days in cold water, periodically changing the water.

It is choppy, but trepang increases several times in volume. Before subjected to heat treatment, the abdomen must be cut and cleaned of the insides.

Sea cucumber in its natural habitat. It's fascinating.


To try or not to try is up to you. The Japanese, of course, praise, but I somehow closer pickles. If you don’t have seafood, check out our shrimp recipe under the sauce.


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