Twenty-three favorite delicacies from childhood
Many people who grew up in the USSR remember the "delicious" of that period and desperately miss them even now, when the shops are utterly abundant. But I really want to taste some of the goodies from this review! Their taste is impossible to forget, let's have a little nostalgia.
Favorite delicacies of Soviet children
You must have had an appetite, too? You bet! Share these sweet memories with your peers.
Favorite delicacies of Soviet children
- Bread crust
So, mom sent you to the bakery. I gave avoska, 20 kopecks in change and valuable instructions. And then the adventure begins. You go into the bakery, you make your way to the bread shelves, you take a two-pronged fork tied to a cloves hammered into the shelf, and you start checking the bread for freshness.
You buy a white brick for 20 kopecks, and then you go home and bite bread by the edges. It's so smelly, with a delicious rough crust. happiness-flavored. And you rip off another piece with your teeth, a tiny one, so your mom doesn't notice. And then another one. And more...
- What a chupa-chups...
During my childhood, cockerels on a stick were sold on every corner, homemade or factory, painted in warm colors - red, yellow, red. How much joy it was to buy such a simple treat! How interesting it was to look through a lollipop in the sun while you held it by a sticky wooden stick.
Now I rarely see them on sale, they come like hello from the past - simple clumsy birds with whom so many happy memories are associated. And also - burning sugar is useful for coughing, but we children did not think about it then.
- Natural gum
Favorite childhood food Resin from fruit trees that was chewed instead of gum. Cheap and angry. I remember the cherry was particularly delicious.
- Favorite delicacy
A piece of bread, sugar and water is an exquisite dessert from my childhood. It doesn't look very good, but it tastes like you're young. Sprinkle the bread with sugar and moisten with water so that the teeth do not crunch. Why we stopped doing that is strange.
- Frightening drink
All my high school friends had jars in their kitchens where there was something like a thick jellyfish in a tea-colored solution. They say that this drink had a pleasant sour taste and refreshing effect. To be honest, I never dared to try.
- The most delicious medicines
You suck the ball, and first sweet, then sour. Perfect combination.
- Sea pebbles
“Seeds” for sweet tooth: eat and eat, it is impossible to stop! Inside they have raisins or nuts, outside they are painted in several pleasant natural flowers. Smooth, like real sea pebbles, you start to dissolve - they are rough. And they end very quickly, leaving a prosaic bag of gray wrapping paper.
- A homemade cake.
A delicacy that is still on the menu of many people is butter cookies. Making an improvised cake is very simple: take two cookies, lubricate them with butter and combine them together. This is the best tea treat you could think of.
- It tastes even better dry.
You steal a briquette from the kitchen pencil box, and you secretly chew it right out! Anyone who says he didn’t do that is afraid to admit it!
- Ice cream.
Peace to the world, a seal to us. White, shining, with a round piece of paper sticking obliquely on top. A waffle cup can be bitten in a circle, or you can squeeze the divine contents into yourself and give a wet waffle to Dad.
- Homemade toffee
Today, you can easily buy boiled condensed milk in the store, and before it was necessary to cook it yourself. Although I prefer to make two holes in the jar and drink like that.
- Friendship can be delicious.
Many will agree that the taste of Soviet melted cheese "Friendship" can not be compared with any of the modern analogues. It was added to different dishes and eaten separately with tea. Nostalgia creeps.
- ascorbine
Deliciousness was obtained not only in grocery stores, but also in pharmacies. Sweet white round tablets wrapped in a cylinder in two pieces of paper were no worse than lollipops! And it cost less - 7 cents of packaging. However, my mother said that you can only take one pill a day, and the cylinder somehow unnoticed dissolved in twenty minutes.
- That's what's really missing.
Toffee – candy, because of which many lost fillings in their teeth, but the pleasure was worth it. Although such treats are still sold in stores, the taste seems completely alien.
- A Barbecue Available to Everyone
The most delicious delicacy, which was waiting for all the children at the picnic - baked potatoes in the fire. It's so interesting, throwing potatoes into a fire and you're standing there, you're waiting with a stick. You take it out of the fire, and it's hot like coals, well, nothing - blow, throw it from hand to hand, and try to quickly remove the peel to enjoy the unique taste.
- Sweet tooth's favorite potato
One of the most affordable desserts of Soviet times was a cake “potato”, and many learned to cook it yourself, because the recipe is very simple: cookies were crushed into a crumb and added melted butter with cocoa. Stirring and sculpting balls. This is dessert.
- Eat all you want.
If you buy chocolates or cakes in the USSR it was not always possible, then halva in the range was often present. Today it seems strange that they sold this treat in tin cans.
- Cone juices
In the Sookie-Water store or the deli department of the same name, thirsty people always crowded. Because there is nothing more beautiful than sweet grape, sour apple, transparent tender birch. And there was always a glass of salt and a teaspoon. It's for tomato juice...
- Triangular bag milk
The boy's empty triangular bags were not thrown away. They were laid on the floor and slapped their feet with all their might – with a successful blow, a rather loud cotton occurred, which spread throughout the school and frightened the girls.
If you did not drink the milk to the end, then with cotton, milk drops flew in all directions, which was also fun.
- You could have broken a tooth, but it was delicious.
To please the children, mothers prepared cozinaks, for which peeled seeds were poured with caramel, and after solidification small briquettes were formed from them.
- The best treat on earth
Almost every house had a waffle or "hazelnut" - a special pan that allows you to bake cookies in the form of halves of walnuts.
Then these halves were glued with cream or boiled condensed, and we got nuts. The taste of these nuts will always be remembered.
- Economical, but delicious.
Take a piece of rye bread, lubricate with vegetable oil and sprinkle plenty of salt. You can also supplement such an unusual treat with green onions or dill.
- Soda from the machine
For a penny without anything - not so interesting. But for three with syrup - paradise pleasure. And the glass is fun to wash, pressing on it and forming a fountain. In addition, if you hit the machine in a certain place, then sometimes the machine could “return” other people’s coins, which was a great success.
However, this was not a one-goal game. Often the machine “eat” the money, not giving in return a drop of life-giving moisture. Sometimes the machine ran out of syrup, and then for three pennies he vilely poured “clean” water.
You must have had an appetite, too? You bet! Share these sweet memories with your peers.
I collect empty glass bottles, but not to pass. You will be amazed when you see the results of my work!
Menocorans in chorus urge Brigitte Macron to say goodbye to the mini and start dressing according to age!