The Rules of Good Deeds or How to Do Charity

New Year holidays are a wonderful time: snow, the smell of tangerines, flickering lights in the windows and elegant Christmas trees. This is a time of magic, miracles and magic. And for many people, this is a time to think about the eternal, about good deeds and about those people who are less fortunate in life. I want to do something good to clear my conscience and share the good. Who needs more help than orphans?

And this is true, these children are very deprived, they lack human warmth and kindness. We urge you to be indifferent! If you have this bright desire in your heart to help a child who has almost no one, then this is great. Just before you go to the store and buy this kid an expensive gift, think about whether he needs it.


In fact, candy or a new toy is more of a buyout than a real help. As it may sound, but such gifts are a convenient way to make yourself pleasant. If you really want to help, you have to do it differently. "Site" Tell me how.

A gift is a sign of attention and care, but only if it is made significant by a person. For orphans, the gift loses such meaning, because they know that other children are given gifts by parents, and strangers will come to them again. Imagine this stream of strangers coming and going.

This causes the child to have the wrong behavior. He believes that adults are unreliable people who can only walk away and betray. But they bring some things, so you can not rely on them, but you can get a benefit. So such a gift will not give the child anything, except the feeling of another flashed and missing adult.

It is also important to understand that orphanage There is no shortage of support from sponsors, especially during the holidays. In most orphanages, orphans receive at least ten gifts. Gifts that are of no value. A huge pile of sweets, which eventually develops allergies and diathesis, a huge number of bunnies and bears, which litter everything around.

A little different with expensive gifts. It happens that sponsors give children gadgets, and often the child accumulates several phones. They are a great currency that can be exchanged for cigarettes or alcohol. The downside is that it corrupts children.

Think for yourself, since childhood, strangers’ uncles and aunts come to them and give them expensive gifts just because they are orphans. What does this teach the child? That everything in life can be obtained without much effort, that everyone around him must and will always be. Sooner or later, the kids will be 18 and there will be no more. You have to go to the big world and build your own life.

Most importantly, gifts don’t change a child’s life. The best thing you can give a child is a family and a move from the orphanage. Most children from boarding schools have families and blood relatives. They didn’t get there because they lost their parents, but because their parents didn’t get help in time. Often these are cases of actual child abuse, but sometimes they are a common lack of funds.

Every year, huge budgets are spent on orphanage And help with orphanages. If this money was spent not on teddy bears and candy, but on programs to support blood families, foster families, the education of children and their support after leaving the boarding school, the fate of many pupils would really change after one such holiday.

The best way to help children from orphanages is to support projects that involve placing them in the family. So they will have a chance to grow up in a family, among close people and get the right moral values and upbringing. Another way is to help foster families. They often need help, because there is not enough money and things for the children.

There are many volunteer organizations that are doing exactly what they are trying to bring children into the family. Their main goal is to take children from the orphanage and give them a family. They have many projects that are in constant need of funding. Donate money or volunteer for such an organization. This kind of help can really make a difference.

Buying a gift for a child is easy and easy. You give him a gift, he will smile, and you will be happy with yourself, because you have done a good deed. But everything will remain as before, nothing will change. You have made yourself happy, you have satisfied the need for good deeds. There’s nothing wrong with that, we all do. Just don’t do it at the expense of such children, they are already unlucky.

If you want to help - help with meaning, make a gift that will help the child find a family or return to his parents. If thanks to your help at least one child gets such an opportunity, it will be a true New Year’s miracle and a really good deed!

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