What is the key to a good mood and how to learn to enjoy simple things

I happen to be a very creative, and generally happy woman. Since childhood, I was engaged in drawing, acting, singing, dancing, needlework. School, institute, favorite work in the field of interior design, which I adored. This is not a job, but a favorite thing that brings pleasure.

But at one point everything went awry... Everything began to crumble, and from a cheerful and joyful girl I turned into an avid pessimist. I won’t go through much of what I went through, but it wasn’t until then that many things began to look gray to me, and to describe me, one could easily say that for this person, as they say, “the glass is always half empty.”


I don’t know how long I would have been in such a terrible place. depression And where would that have taken me if it hadn't been for "Transurfing Reality." Vadim Zelanda and a few practices from this book, without which now can not do a single morning.

“Transurfing Reality” is a series of books that once shocked the world! The author of these bestsellers, Vadim Zeland, is a very mysterious person, little is known about him, his photos are few people have seen. However, he managed to summarize and convey in an accessible form the knowledge that sages have been collecting for centuries.

A good start to the day often leads to the fact that the day as a whole is successful. But there are days you can’t start well for whatever reason. The reason can be anything: lack of sleep, bad weather outside the window, unloved business, oppressive task that you can not solve for a long time.

What to do if the day has not gone well in the morning? Is the day already lost and we can only hope that tomorrow will be better? However, today is not over yet and you may still be able to get something good out of this day.


That's why the editorial board "Site" I have prepared 3 quick ways for you. shake off and set your life for success and a positive way.

  1. Appreciate what you have.
    I personally use this technique every day. And as simple and trivial as it sounds, I can say with confidence that it really works. What does it take? Sit in a cozy place for you and set an alarm for 2 minutes. Only 2 minutes and no outside conversations! Tell yourself, well, I’m not feeling too good right now, but what’s in my life that I can be grateful for and appreciate?

    I usually settle on one simple thing: delicious food that I can afford, my health (because I have arms, legs, head, my heart beats and I breathe), and I have a roof over my head.


    Only these thoughts change consciousness, redirects them away from the negative. Then I start with that thought. I mentally move from the roof to the warmth of the house, to the clean water in the glass that sits next to my computer, to the fact that I can work from home when it rains outside.

    All these mental jumps I do, just gliding my eyes around the room in which I am. It's like jumping from rock to rock down a stream. I am in no hurry to fully appreciate all these things. This makes me feel happier and more open.

  2. Act as you would like to feel.
    Human emotions can also work in the opposite direction. So if you want to be more positive or energetic, act like someone who is positive or energetic. For example, you can try to look at an unpleasant task as something exciting and interesting. Also try to approach the routine with creativity – by answering some emails or talking to someone in a positive way and with enthusiasm.



    Find the positive side! For example, if you feel unmotivated, appetic, or nervous before a meeting, tell yourself that I’ll see one of my best friends shortly before I meet you, and that makes you feel better! Find your good reason. It’s not easy sometimes, but it works too.


Think for a moment and give someone a compliment. Well, this reception will cheer up not only you, but also others.

Take just one minute to remember something you truly appreciate about the person in the room next to you. Then give him or her the compliment you just made up.

I'm sure he or she will be happy. You will feel good and recharge with the positive from a smiling, happy person who received a compliment. You will both be in a much better mood.

It can also be a notebook, a notebook, or an ordinary document, the essence of which is that you need to write down in it every day for 10 minutes what you are grateful for on this day. Within a week, you will notice that your list of gratitude will grow larger, and your feelings of fulfillment and happiness will accompany you everywhere.

I also suggest you read 5 effective tips for developing positive thinking. Get rid of bad thoughts, and then you will succeed in life. Surround yourself with only good people and remember to praise them for their achievements. And try not to watch the news!

And how do you use it to mood? I will be glad if you share your experience with us in the comments, as well as tell your friends about this article, perhaps it can be very useful for some of them now. Have a good day! Smile more often.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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