Mindfulness test
Love you. optical puzzle and illusions? We've got a problem for you that a few people do. One of the oldest and most famous optical illusions called “My wife and my mother-in-law” was published in 1888 and still excites the brightest minds. It turns out that in the portrait of a young girl you can see as many as two characters - the girl and the old woman! Only the attentive can cope.
"Site" He asks you to take up the challenge and solve the mystery of an old German postcard. Ready?
British cartoonist William Eli Hill, working on the image for a German postcard, did not mean anything insidious. By the way, the man did not know that his innocent idea would excite so many minds.
Look at the image! Do you see a young woman looking away? Here she is, wife. Now try to see the old woman who lowered her eyes and looked down. Got it?
Later, in 1915, William Eli Hill painted the image of a girl for Puck magazine. It was then that this optical illusion gained wide popularity.
Later, the illusion was processed by various psychologists and artists, receiving a lot of different variations. Basically, all subsequent images of Wife and Mother-in-Law became black and white, because it was easier to see the catch.
If you could not see both an old woman and a young girl in an innocent image, use our video tip. It's definitely gonna work now!
Psychologists, by the way, quickly find outWhy do some people see two images right away, while others spend a lot of time on it? It turns out that if you managed to quickly adjust and see the second image, it means that you are a very flexible person.
If you could not see the second picture, or it was given to you with great difficulty, then you are too stubborn and short-sighted. Whether it's true or not is up to you!
Did you like this fascinating illusion? Don’t forget to share it with your friends on social networks, they definitely love such unusual ones. optical.
"Site" He asks you to take up the challenge and solve the mystery of an old German postcard. Ready?
British cartoonist William Eli Hill, working on the image for a German postcard, did not mean anything insidious. By the way, the man did not know that his innocent idea would excite so many minds.
Look at the image! Do you see a young woman looking away? Here she is, wife. Now try to see the old woman who lowered her eyes and looked down. Got it?
Later, in 1915, William Eli Hill painted the image of a girl for Puck magazine. It was then that this optical illusion gained wide popularity.
Later, the illusion was processed by various psychologists and artists, receiving a lot of different variations. Basically, all subsequent images of Wife and Mother-in-Law became black and white, because it was easier to see the catch.
If you could not see both an old woman and a young girl in an innocent image, use our video tip. It's definitely gonna work now!
Psychologists, by the way, quickly find outWhy do some people see two images right away, while others spend a lot of time on it? It turns out that if you managed to quickly adjust and see the second image, it means that you are a very flexible person.
If you could not see the second picture, or it was given to you with great difficulty, then you are too stubborn and short-sighted. Whether it's true or not is up to you!
Did you like this fascinating illusion? Don’t forget to share it with your friends on social networks, they definitely love such unusual ones. optical.
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