The illusion of limitations
We often adopt other people's views, public opinion on various issues, not even figuring out if this is really...
Want to understand what is illusion and what will help to expand your views?
Any illusion is ignorance!
When a person stands on the path of self — knowledge- it is important to separate illusion from truth. You can be "vezhestvenny" — to have extensive information flow or for those who are in the subject of spirituality is to have an open channel up when you have the ability to discern truth from non truth.
Each of their faces for the truth. It is impossible to say that truth is universal, one for all. The truth can be opposite.
Illusions are our limitations. It's a way of looking at things, and for the most part not ours.
Deploy the opposite: the restriction is an illusion. And if you meditate on these words, you will understand that it is so.
Expand your views
To remove any illusions expand your perspective on many issues. Do a recapitulation of their beliefs.
Because throughout life we collect different beliefs, beliefs, and installation.
When faced with the old belief that restricts your actions, ask yourself the questions: “But is it impossible?”, “Maybe there are other options?”
Young people today have a very flexible mind. If you have adult children up to 25-30 years, look how creative they are and boldly to solve their problem. Contact them for help if you don't see opportunities because of the impeding restrictions.
Check any informationTo avoid becoming a victim of fraud — check any information encountered.
The information you absorb, integrate and then you give out as your own.
If you, as a spiritual person, seek to Express only the truth, do not believe a word and check before integrating it.
When you stand on the path of spiritual development on the path of self-transformation, you can't see the bad in people, be supporters, an your circle has its own reality — everyone wants to believe.
If you are faced with some factual information — always check before you believe it.
What happen to “reset”On the path of transformation goes through many stages of reset, when the lost items, phones, computers burn out, lost the contacts. As if life itself starts from scratch.
This is happening to you rebuilt your view on certain things. Such situations are forced to reconsider what you believe.
So you say goodbye to the old life, and sometimes with their friends.
The revision of their views is an inevitable stage of spiritual evolution.
“Zeroing” occurs when you hold on to old beliefs, and want to change ourselves.
It can be avoided, if every time ask yourself a question: "Maybe there is something I don't see?" after ceasing to take the default option: someone said something — we believe.
The following are examples that show how we have such thoughts and beliefs, when we take for granted other people's views:
An example of illusions No. 1
There is a common belief: "Apartment rent is expensive! Why someone else's uncle to give money?"
I too was living in such a situation, and one revelation of the businessman, when he said, "In a rented apartment, I felt much more comfortable than now to own that rivals the size".
I was thinking and counted on a calculator.
Apartments for rent in eagle costs $ 300, and one bedroom. To buy a Studio apartment for 13 years it is necessary to plow.
And few of people available money to give them. This means mortgages, auto loans, and you pay twice.
In Russian speaking, 20 years (or 15) enter into bondage, when you can't get sick or child birth — in the decree to leave when all forces are thrown on the yoke when you have no freedom, you become enslaved.
Just because your parents were convinced that apartment living is the main
And we need to choose to live in rented apartments, all life to move, to have this opportunity and live happily ever after or to enter into bondage to eventually then, children of retirement age to leave the home or apartment. Yeah well, its bounce!
This example here is in the perspective that all you need to check, each time expanding their views, taking nothing by default — no eyes, no system.
“But is it really?” Simple question, but ask it every second of difficult.
Many years ago, for me it was a relief. Better afford now part of their income to live in a beautiful environment than to dream about where we will fall on you millions to buy this apartment.
To come to a strange city in a foreign country, rent a car — allowing yourself to expand your comfort zone and feel comfortable even in a completely unfamiliar environment.
An example of illusions No. 2
Many women dream to get married. But if age is 35-40 years, and you suddenly without a man — friend looked at askance. Maybe you don't have it.
Or the word "family". Everyone has their own definition, formed their stereotype. We used the words "family", "marriage".
If you change them to the "beloved man, who is perfectly", suddenly everything starts changing. It turns out that there are other options.
Allow yourself to expand consciousness, to see not one path but many. And then the illusion will be gone — there are no limitations, only the illusion of limitations. published
Author: Natalia Prokofieva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kluchimasterstva.ru/illyuzii-ogranichivayut-zhizn-samorazvitie
Want to understand what is illusion and what will help to expand your views?

Any illusion is ignorance!
When a person stands on the path of self — knowledge- it is important to separate illusion from truth. You can be "vezhestvenny" — to have extensive information flow or for those who are in the subject of spirituality is to have an open channel up when you have the ability to discern truth from non truth.
Each of their faces for the truth. It is impossible to say that truth is universal, one for all. The truth can be opposite.
Illusions are our limitations. It's a way of looking at things, and for the most part not ours.
Deploy the opposite: the restriction is an illusion. And if you meditate on these words, you will understand that it is so.
Expand your views
To remove any illusions expand your perspective on many issues. Do a recapitulation of their beliefs.
Because throughout life we collect different beliefs, beliefs, and installation.
When faced with the old belief that restricts your actions, ask yourself the questions: “But is it impossible?”, “Maybe there are other options?”
Young people today have a very flexible mind. If you have adult children up to 25-30 years, look how creative they are and boldly to solve their problem. Contact them for help if you don't see opportunities because of the impeding restrictions.
Check any informationTo avoid becoming a victim of fraud — check any information encountered.
The information you absorb, integrate and then you give out as your own.
If you, as a spiritual person, seek to Express only the truth, do not believe a word and check before integrating it.
When you stand on the path of spiritual development on the path of self-transformation, you can't see the bad in people, be supporters, an your circle has its own reality — everyone wants to believe.
If you are faced with some factual information — always check before you believe it.
What happen to “reset”On the path of transformation goes through many stages of reset, when the lost items, phones, computers burn out, lost the contacts. As if life itself starts from scratch.
This is happening to you rebuilt your view on certain things. Such situations are forced to reconsider what you believe.
So you say goodbye to the old life, and sometimes with their friends.
The revision of their views is an inevitable stage of spiritual evolution.

“Zeroing” occurs when you hold on to old beliefs, and want to change ourselves.
It can be avoided, if every time ask yourself a question: "Maybe there is something I don't see?" after ceasing to take the default option: someone said something — we believe.
The following are examples that show how we have such thoughts and beliefs, when we take for granted other people's views:
An example of illusions No. 1
There is a common belief: "Apartment rent is expensive! Why someone else's uncle to give money?"
I too was living in such a situation, and one revelation of the businessman, when he said, "In a rented apartment, I felt much more comfortable than now to own that rivals the size".
I was thinking and counted on a calculator.
Apartments for rent in eagle costs $ 300, and one bedroom. To buy a Studio apartment for 13 years it is necessary to plow.
And few of people available money to give them. This means mortgages, auto loans, and you pay twice.
In Russian speaking, 20 years (or 15) enter into bondage, when you can't get sick or child birth — in the decree to leave when all forces are thrown on the yoke when you have no freedom, you become enslaved.
Just because your parents were convinced that apartment living is the main
And we need to choose to live in rented apartments, all life to move, to have this opportunity and live happily ever after or to enter into bondage to eventually then, children of retirement age to leave the home or apartment. Yeah well, its bounce!
This example here is in the perspective that all you need to check, each time expanding their views, taking nothing by default — no eyes, no system.
“But is it really?” Simple question, but ask it every second of difficult.
Many years ago, for me it was a relief. Better afford now part of their income to live in a beautiful environment than to dream about where we will fall on you millions to buy this apartment.
To come to a strange city in a foreign country, rent a car — allowing yourself to expand your comfort zone and feel comfortable even in a completely unfamiliar environment.
An example of illusions No. 2
Many women dream to get married. But if age is 35-40 years, and you suddenly without a man — friend looked at askance. Maybe you don't have it.
Or the word "family". Everyone has their own definition, formed their stereotype. We used the words "family", "marriage".
If you change them to the "beloved man, who is perfectly", suddenly everything starts changing. It turns out that there are other options.
Allow yourself to expand consciousness, to see not one path but many. And then the illusion will be gone — there are no limitations, only the illusion of limitations. published
Author: Natalia Prokofieva
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kluchimasterstva.ru/illyuzii-ogranichivayut-zhizn-samorazvitie
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