Even the most hardened skeptics believe what they tell them their feelings, but feelings are easily deceived.
Optical illusion - the impression of a visible object or phenomenon, correspond to reality, ie optical illusion. Translated from the Latin word "illusion" means "error, error." This suggests that the illusion has long been interpreted as a kind of malfunction of the visual system. Study their causes many researchers.
Some visual deceptions have long had a scientific explanation, the other has not yet been explained.
Parallel lines
Version of the classic illusion of Japanese psychology professor Akioshi Kitaoka. Parallel lines in the figure.
Perspective distortion. Which of the yellow lines in the corners of the wall anymore? Left seems considerably smaller than the right. In fact, the yellow lines have exactly the same height.
Rotating girl
The picture, created by Japanese designer Nobuyuki Kayahara from Hiroshima in 2003. It has been argued that this is a test picture for visual perception and exercise for the imagination.
If a person sees a clockwise rotation - he logics, ie he is more developed left brain, if - against intuit. Most people, after a little exercise are able to see the girl spin in any direction, it is promoted by different techniques. Sometimes quite intense scrutiny pictures within 30 seconds, sometimes tracking shadow.
Dragon Gardner
Gardner dragon or dragon Jerry Andrus (named after the founder) who always looks at the observer - one of the most famous optical illusions. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to place the dragon so that the light source is at the bottom, close one eye at a distance of 1 - 2 meters, moving, looking at the dragon.
Illusion Akioshi Kitaoka professor of psychology at Ritsumeikan University and Professor Eiji Watanabe from the Japanese National Institute of Biology, based on the classic illusion Pokendorfa.
The essence of illusion: on the eyes is very difficult to determine which of the balls directed line, which is a continuation of the barrel machine.
The view from the car
Flashing strokes behind the window of the train creates the illusion of movement. But the direction of movement of each person may initially defined differently.
Lithograph by Dutch artist MC Escher. Was first published in 1953.
The lithograph shows a paradoxical world where the laws of reality do not apply. In a world of reality combined three three gravity directed perpendicularly to one another. Created the architectural structure of reality combined ladders. For people living in this world, but in different planes of reality, one and the same ladder will be aimed up or down.
Endless staircase
This figure is often called the "endless stairs", "Eternal stairs" or "Penrose stairs" - named after its creators. It is also called "continuously ascending and descending path." "Endless Stairs" - one of the most famous classical impossibilities.
Running monsters
Roger Shepard illusion associated with the perception of perspective. The figure fleeing monster seems much less catch-up.
In fact, the monsters are absolutely identical. The first is a copy of the second.
Flying pyramid
Sculpture Venezuelan artist Rafael Barrios (Rafael Barrios). One of the many exhibits on display in New York City on Park Avenue. All of them are made of flat sheets of steel and painted with acrylic paints. However, at a distance of sculpture seems bulky.
Cells chessboard
The illusion of color perception, published by MIT Professors Edward Edelson (Edward H. Adelson) in 1995.
Do different colored cells A and B of the chessboard?
Rays from the eye
The illusion of Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Absolutely static image has the illusion of influx to the observer. Akioshi Kitaoka - a professor of psychology at the University (Ritsumeikan) in Tokyo. World-renowned for its many illusions of movement.
I found a way
The illusion created by an amateur photographer Robert Bruce Murray III. Caption confidently slides over the observer.
Floating star
Artist Kaia Nao. Member of the contest "The Illusion of the Year 2012". Absolutely a static image of the star, it seems rotating.
Impossible Elephant
Figure Roger Shepard.
Let the dog sleeps
Artist Igor Lysenko. Original paintings in the genre of Surrealism contain a lot of puzzles and hidden images.
For example, in the painting, the artist presented the image of a goose hid. However, it is not just to find.
Impossible Cube
Impossible cube with pictures Maurits Cornelis Escher "Belvedere". The image is the result of a "pure" modeling in 3D Max, that is obtained after pressing the «Render», without any post-processing in Photoshop. Author Andrew rendering Ustyuzhanin.
Cat and mouse
The illusion of a series of dual images. The figure can be seen or a cat or a mouse, but it is practically impossible to see two images simultaneously.
Dragoons and elephant
Drawing on a matchbox. Spain 1870
Source: tinepoverish.livejournal.com
Optical illusion - the impression of a visible object or phenomenon, correspond to reality, ie optical illusion. Translated from the Latin word "illusion" means "error, error." This suggests that the illusion has long been interpreted as a kind of malfunction of the visual system. Study their causes many researchers.
Some visual deceptions have long had a scientific explanation, the other has not yet been explained.
Parallel lines

Version of the classic illusion of Japanese psychology professor Akioshi Kitaoka. Parallel lines in the figure.

Perspective distortion. Which of the yellow lines in the corners of the wall anymore? Left seems considerably smaller than the right. In fact, the yellow lines have exactly the same height.
Rotating girl

The picture, created by Japanese designer Nobuyuki Kayahara from Hiroshima in 2003. It has been argued that this is a test picture for visual perception and exercise for the imagination.
If a person sees a clockwise rotation - he logics, ie he is more developed left brain, if - against intuit. Most people, after a little exercise are able to see the girl spin in any direction, it is promoted by different techniques. Sometimes quite intense scrutiny pictures within 30 seconds, sometimes tracking shadow.
Dragon Gardner

Gardner dragon or dragon Jerry Andrus (named after the founder) who always looks at the observer - one of the most famous optical illusions. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to place the dragon so that the light source is at the bottom, close one eye at a distance of 1 - 2 meters, moving, looking at the dragon.

Illusion Akioshi Kitaoka professor of psychology at Ritsumeikan University and Professor Eiji Watanabe from the Japanese National Institute of Biology, based on the classic illusion Pokendorfa.
The essence of illusion: on the eyes is very difficult to determine which of the balls directed line, which is a continuation of the barrel machine.
The view from the car

Flashing strokes behind the window of the train creates the illusion of movement. But the direction of movement of each person may initially defined differently.

Lithograph by Dutch artist MC Escher. Was first published in 1953.
The lithograph shows a paradoxical world where the laws of reality do not apply. In a world of reality combined three three gravity directed perpendicularly to one another. Created the architectural structure of reality combined ladders. For people living in this world, but in different planes of reality, one and the same ladder will be aimed up or down.
Endless staircase

This figure is often called the "endless stairs", "Eternal stairs" or "Penrose stairs" - named after its creators. It is also called "continuously ascending and descending path." "Endless Stairs" - one of the most famous classical impossibilities.
Running monsters

Roger Shepard illusion associated with the perception of perspective. The figure fleeing monster seems much less catch-up.
In fact, the monsters are absolutely identical. The first is a copy of the second.
Flying pyramid

Sculpture Venezuelan artist Rafael Barrios (Rafael Barrios). One of the many exhibits on display in New York City on Park Avenue. All of them are made of flat sheets of steel and painted with acrylic paints. However, at a distance of sculpture seems bulky.
Cells chessboard

The illusion of color perception, published by MIT Professors Edward Edelson (Edward H. Adelson) in 1995.
Do different colored cells A and B of the chessboard?
Rays from the eye

The illusion of Akiyoshi Kitaoka. Absolutely static image has the illusion of influx to the observer. Akioshi Kitaoka - a professor of psychology at the University (Ritsumeikan) in Tokyo. World-renowned for its many illusions of movement.
I found a way

The illusion created by an amateur photographer Robert Bruce Murray III. Caption confidently slides over the observer.
Floating star

Artist Kaia Nao. Member of the contest "The Illusion of the Year 2012". Absolutely a static image of the star, it seems rotating.
Impossible Elephant

Figure Roger Shepard.
Let the dog sleeps

Artist Igor Lysenko. Original paintings in the genre of Surrealism contain a lot of puzzles and hidden images.
For example, in the painting, the artist presented the image of a goose hid. However, it is not just to find.
Impossible Cube

Impossible cube with pictures Maurits Cornelis Escher "Belvedere". The image is the result of a "pure" modeling in 3D Max, that is obtained after pressing the «Render», without any post-processing in Photoshop. Author Andrew rendering Ustyuzhanin.
Cat and mouse

The illusion of a series of dual images. The figure can be seen or a cat or a mouse, but it is practically impossible to see two images simultaneously.
Dragoons and elephant

Drawing on a matchbox. Spain 1870
Source: tinepoverish.livejournal.com