Nature gave us cabbage! It is very important to properly prepare the leaves.
Cabbage is called a poor man’s first aid kit or a doctor for the poor, as it is a safe, environmentally friendly and affordable remedy can be used to treat all kinds of diseases.
The antioxidants contained in cabbage have a good effect on the skin, help cleanse the blood and fight arthritis. It is also very valuable that we can eat cabbage all year round, maintaining our health with its help.
Cabbage It is able to accelerate metabolism, as well as treat acne, wounds, acne, bites, eczema, rash, psoriasis and leg ulcers. Due to the high content of vitamin C, this vegetable can slow down the aging process.
In addition, there are different ways to use it depending on the problem. Cabbage fresh, sauerkraut, boiled, dry for medicinal purposes is used inside and as an external remedy. From it, juice and healing decoctions are prepared.
The therapeutic properties of cabbage
Previously "Site" I have already written about the benefits of cauliflower, which, unfortunately, is not as popular as it deserves.
Perhaps you will need the best recipes for salads with Beijing cabbage, which is perfectly combined with a variety of products and has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Cabbage is a great doctor! Remember this and share this information with your loved ones.

The antioxidants contained in cabbage have a good effect on the skin, help cleanse the blood and fight arthritis. It is also very valuable that we can eat cabbage all year round, maintaining our health with its help.

Cabbage It is able to accelerate metabolism, as well as treat acne, wounds, acne, bites, eczema, rash, psoriasis and leg ulcers. Due to the high content of vitamin C, this vegetable can slow down the aging process.

In addition, there are different ways to use it depending on the problem. Cabbage fresh, sauerkraut, boiled, dry for medicinal purposes is used inside and as an external remedy. From it, juice and healing decoctions are prepared.
The therapeutic properties of cabbage
- Relieves headache
Over time, pills alone are little help in the fight against regularly occurring headaches. A great way to deal with discomfort can be cabbage for a headache. Take a few sheets of cabbage and break them in your hand. Better suited cabbage winter varieties. Sodium sprouted on the cracks with cabbage juice of whiskey and wrist, after which apply a leaf to the painful area of the head.
With headaches, you can also apply sauerkraut leaves to your forehead for 20-30 minutes or drink half a glass of cabbage brine 3-4 times a day.
DepositPhotos - Joint pain and knee pain
Take a cabbage leaf, make small serifs on it. Heat the leaf over the stove or in the microwave and spread a thin layer of honey. Apply a cabbage-honey compress to the affected joint, apply a film on top, fasten with a bandage and wrap with a warm scarf or scarf. Such compresses are desirable to do at night, after several applications you will forget about the pain in the knees. Even if you do not have honey, the effectiveness of a cabbage compress for arthrosis will not be less. Take a piece of white cabbage, wash it thoroughly and dry it. Slightly break off the leaf so that it gives some juice, and apply it to the sore joint. On top, put a piece of food film, fasten with a bandage and wrap the joint with a warm scarf. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month. - cough
If a member of my family begins to pester a cough, I never buy drugs at the pharmacy, but I fly myself. I take a cabbage leaf, lower it for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, then smear it with honey and apply it to the chest (with a strong cough - two cabbage leaves, one on the chest, the second on the back). The t-shirt holds the sheet well all night. A few nights - and a cold cough as never happened. You should not refuse medications, with the parallel use of two drugs, you will get rid of the most debilitating cough. - Mastopathy
This serious disease can also be treated with cabbage (in parallel with traditional methods). There are many options for therapy - from ingestion of cabbage juice to external compresses from leaves on the chest. Wash the cabbage leaf, lubricate it with butter and sprinkle a little salt so that it lets the juice. Apply the leaf to the mammary gland, wrapping on top with a dry cloth. Linen should not be tight, so as not to crush the breast tissue and thereby reduce the effect of the compress.
Leave the sheet for 6-12 hours, and then replace it with fresh. Such cabbage compresses should be done during the week, leaving them overnight. However, we would like to warn you about the need to consult your doctor. Self-activity in the fight against such an ailment is inappropriate. - Slow metabolism
There are many people who have a very slow metabolism. To accelerate metabolism, it is recommended to drink an infusion of cabbage leaves without salt, sugar or honey. Cook the leaves for 10 minutes, strain and drink the infusion warm 150 ml 20 minutes before each meal. - Varicose veins of the extremities
Roll a roller with a fresh leaf of cabbage, lubricate one of its sides with vegetable oil and apply this side to the affected thrombophlebitis areas, strengthening with a bandage for a day. The duration of treatment is one month. - Peptic ulcer disease
Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is useful for peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with insufficient gastric juice, colitis, intestinal atony, cholecystitis, constipation and tumors. The composition of cabbage juice includes tartronic acid, which slows down the process of converting carbohydrates into fats, which is very important for people with overweight. All this speaks to the uniqueness of cabbage juice, which is also useful for lack of vitamins in the body. - Non-healing wounds
Traditional medicine recommends the use of juice and gruel from cabbage leaves to treat purulent wounds, weeping eczema, non-healing ulcers. The bactericidal effect of cabbage is due to the presence in it of phytoncides (substances that kill pathogenic microbes). Cabbage juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days in enameled or glassware. With long storage, vitamins are destroyed. - Angina and stomatitis
With sore throat and stomatitis, mix fresh cabbage juice with boiled warm water in equal proportion (1: 1) and the throat and mouth cavity. - atherosclerosis
If you suffer from atherosclerosis, drink half a glass of juice from fresh cabbage leaves 15 minutes before meals (it reduces cholesterol in the blood). - cosmetic masks
A mask made from cabbage juice helps well from acne. The juice perfectly nourishes the skin, providing it with all the necessary vitamins, and pimples dry immediately, immediately after application. On the face, a cabbage mask lasts for twenty minutes. After that, the skin of the face should be washed with warm water and moisturized with a cream. Repeat the procedure three times a week and continue for a month.
Mask for cleansing and nutrition of dry skin: make a gruel from cabbage leaves, apply to the skin, lightly rub in circular movements. Repeat every few days.
Mask for skin freshness: Take large fresh leaves and rinse well in cold water. Then apply the concave side to the skin of the face. Cabbage leaf should be heated from contact with the skin. This procedure is better carried out in the prone position. When the leaf is heated, the procedure can be completed.
Previously "Site" I have already written about the benefits of cauliflower, which, unfortunately, is not as popular as it deserves.
Perhaps you will need the best recipes for salads with Beijing cabbage, which is perfectly combined with a variety of products and has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Cabbage is a great doctor! Remember this and share this information with your loved ones.
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