Killer plants! Don’t grow them on the windowsill or else...
Do you like to plant flowers on the windowsill? But did you know that some of them can pose a terrible danger to you or your loved ones? At first glance, harmless plants can cause allergic reactions or emit poison. And "Site" He'll tell you what these plants are. Maybe there is one of your favorites.
Harmful houseplants
These plants are definitely not worth growing at home, no matter how beautiful they are. Beauty is clearly not worth it. Before you get any exotic plant, be sure to study the information about it to make sure that it is safe.
And we offer you a list of auspicious houseplants that are best suited for the home. They will not only be a good decoration, but also clean the air of toxins and protect your health. You'll find something for yourself!
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Harmful houseplants
- Cyclade
Many believe that this cute and beautiful plant can ward off bad dreams and fears. This is a beautiful plant, but do not forget about its poisonous properties. The most poisonous parts are the seeds and roots of the plant, their juice can cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. So we strongly do not recommend trying this wonderful recipe, which is quite popular in folk medicine: bury cyclamen juice from sinusitis. You can burn the mucous membrane, get a jump in temperature, sore throat and difficulty breathing. In the treatment of sinusitis, this will definitely not help you. - diffenbachia
The fact that this plant purifies the air well and improves its chemical composition is difficult to argue. But do not put it in the bedroom, especially in the nursery. The juice contained in the stem is very poisonous. If it hits the skin, it can cause burns, and if it gets inside, it will surely provoke serious digestive and respiratory disorders. - Cacti
These are some of the most insidious domestic plants. Even of modest size, the plant contains more than 120 alkaloids in its cellular juice, which negatively affect the human nervous system. Contained in cacti hallucinogens can cause paralysis of the nervous system, their action resembles the effect of LSD. - fatty
This plant is in every second house, because it is believed that it attracts wealth and success to the house. Not for nothing is it called a money tree. You need to be careful with it, because the juice of the plant contains arsenic. The number, of course, is not so large, but pets, great lovers of eating houseplants, this will be quite enough to get poisoned. - hydrangea
Hydrangea flowers are filled with unimaginable attraction and even some magic, and all the other parts are poison. Touching the plant is quite safe, but if the body gets hydrangea juice, it can cause increased sweating, stomach pain, itching, nausea, worsen blood circulation. - geran
Yes, exactly, such a useful and beautiful geranium can be dangerous. Geranium is an excellent antiseptic, helps relieve stress, relieves pain with angina. However, the smell of geranium can provoke a severe asthma attack and cause an allergic reaction. Geranium is contraindicated in pregnant women, people with low blood sugar and children. - Poinsettia
It is not safe to keep a popular “Christmas star” in the house, because its juice contains alkaloids. Neither flowers nor leaves are dangerous in themselves, whitish juice is dangerous, as is the case with all plants of the genus milkweed. Such a bright plant attracts children and pets, and they happily drag it into their mouths, only this can lead to unintended consequences.
These plants are definitely not worth growing at home, no matter how beautiful they are. Beauty is clearly not worth it. Before you get any exotic plant, be sure to study the information about it to make sure that it is safe.
And we offer you a list of auspicious houseplants that are best suited for the home. They will not only be a good decoration, but also clean the air of toxins and protect your health. You'll find something for yourself!
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