Why You Shouldn't Throw Out the Clothing

Just imagine, there are things that don’t break, beat, and crumble after a few uses. For a modern person it is outlandish, but those who were born and raised in the USSR, know that quality then valued on the weight of gold! We used to store a warranty card after buying equipment like the apple of an eye. What if it breaks?

"Site" He shares with you a selection of things from the Soviet Union, which is a sin to throw away. With careful use, they will last much longer than modern technology, and most importantly, some of these things will definitely be found in your closet. You can see from them that manufactured in the USSR!

Soviet things
  1. Meat grinder
    High-quality, reliable, eternal Soviet meat grinder will not fail at a responsible moment, will not break and will not burn. And the dough for sand cookies comes out of it what you need, the main thing is not to get confused with the nozzles. Classic hand-held meat grinder times of the USSR will be an indispensable assistant in the kitchen, suitable for grinding meat, making noodles, biscuits and even juice.

  2. Zenit camera
    Enthusiasts of film photography is becoming more and more, and therefore for a quality film camera fans of analog photography are ready to pay a lot of money. In fact, in the era of smartphones, when anyone can take a picture and in an instant upload a good picture to the web, the value of shots taken on film becomes much higher. If an old camera is dusting on the shelf, do not be lazy to buy film and take a few atmospheric pictures. It's worth it!

  3. Tin cans
    Packages with sugar, cereals or flour are not only not suitable for storing bulk products, but also look simply ugly. Another thing is tin cans! And such jars, as were in the USSR, today are worth their weight in gold. Vintage, high-quality, they want to put in the most prominent place. If you have a couple, be sure to restore them and use them with pleasure.

  4. Hazel
    Who doesn’t love the blush nuts with condensed milk that Grandma made with love? Hazel is an indispensable thing, because it is not difficult to prepare a favorite delicacy for children. And let now electronic hazel can be bought in any store of technology, cast-iron device of the time of the Sovka will not replace anything! The thing is eternal, and even grandchildren will get, because there is simply nothing to break there.

  5. Electronics 6 watch
    Here everything is simple: a budget electronic alarm clock is a timeless technique. A large bright display with two backlight modes and power from the network make the "Eletronica 6" the highest quality model of Soviet watches. They serve not a year or two, but decades!

  6. ZIL refrigerator
    The old Soviet refrigerator is not equipped with new-fangled electronic control systems or moisture removal, but it is a standard of quality and reliability. Well, if you bring the old man in his proper form, he will serve for a very long time. By the way, such rare models of technology at the peak of popularity. Just look at the Smeg technique!

  7. Candy uniform
    Soviet housewives preferred not to buy sweets, but to make them themselves. So why don't you give it a try? Homemade lollipops and chocolates are amazing, because you can be 100% sure of the composition of sweets.

  8. Microprocessor games "Electronics"
    Primitive today, the pocket game "Electronics" is the dream of any Soviet boy. Despite its obsolescence, the game does not lose its relevance, and the number of people who want to buy such a fun is skyrocketing. Of course, when reaching 1,000 points, the device does not show the cartoon “Well, wait!”, as legends say, but even a modern boy will appreciate such a pocket game on merit.

  9. Grained glass
    The faceted glass is a classic of Soviet times. Our grandmothers drank from it, they cut out portions of dough for dumplings, with its help measured the amount of product, well, how many stories there are about the famous glass! And today faceted glass is also in demand: in most modern recipes, many products (flour, milk, cereals) are measured not in grams, but in glasses. Things for ages!

  10. The dishes.
    Stop storing your grandmother's dishes in the sideboard, use it! Soviet porcelain cookware not only fully meets modern fashion trends, it is made taking into account strict state standards and will serve you for years.

We are sure that you can still find it in any apartment. Soviet UnionThey have served their owners faithfully for decades. Heaped modern irons or meat grinders break down after a time, and plates break down after a second wash. So do not rush to send things made in the USSR to scrap, perhaps they will still be useful to you in everyday life.

I found half of the items on this list in my house. And you? Be sure to tell in the comments.


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