Why children don’t want to live in their parents’ homes
Having decided to build a house, people want everything at once. They want a spacious house so that both children and grandchildren are not crowded. They want a pool to do water treatments regularly. They order a garage, which over time is cluttered with tools, bicycles, lawn mowers, leaving the car under the house.
Architect Alexander Borodin for 15 years of work managed to build about fifty houses. He knows from personal experience what mistakes are most often made by customers when building a house. While the builders can only implement their ridiculous ideas in life.
But if you adhere to just a few rules, you can create a decent home with adequate resources. Who knows better than an architect? What kind of house should be built for permanent residence?
Which house is better to build?
It is difficult to argue with an experienced architect. Looking at the mistakes and mistakes of customers, he probably knows. How to properly plan the construction of a house Implement it with minimal resources. There is no need for more in this matter.
Instead of spending years building a house, the Mexican company Omega and the architect Jorge Capitan came up with special bricks that can be compared to pieces of a puzzle. From them you can build a house on the land without cement at all. And in just a few hours!
Share this article with your friends. Surely it will be interesting for those who are just going to get a personal home.
Architect Alexander Borodin for 15 years of work managed to build about fifty houses. He knows from personal experience what mistakes are most often made by customers when building a house. While the builders can only implement their ridiculous ideas in life.

But if you adhere to just a few rules, you can create a decent home with adequate resources. Who knows better than an architect? What kind of house should be built for permanent residence?

Which house is better to build?
- We build a house just for ourselves.
Life is very dynamic right now. The time when the house was built for several generations has passed. Why spend money on an expensive spacious house that your children won’t need? Why build a house for a couple of hundred years, if it will be useless for 40 years? - Properly calculate resources, saving on small things
The architect has repeatedly encountered customers for whom the construction of the house stretched for a long 10-15 years. The thing is that people cannot correctly calculate their resources and constantly change their plans. Alexander is surprised that often the customer orders a design project for several thousand dollars, then comes to the store for a specific tile, but chooses the one that he likes more. The question is, why pay for the design if you do it your way anyway? - Carefully selecting builders
Alexander Borodin is struck by a peculiar tradition that he observes among builders in his homeland, Belarus. The fact is that each construction team likes to hail its predecessors, shifting the blame for any oversights on them. And the new team usually works about as poorly as the previous one. The architect complains that there are decent builders, but there are few. Mostly, brigades come, and they work a couple of hours instead of full time, and the money requires forward. - Organize the space competently
Alexander Borodin sees the main task of architecture not the beauty of walls and pretentious facades, but in the competent organization of living space. It is optimal that the kitchen windows look at the road, where you can see approaching guests and put a kettle. But the place for kebabs should be organized where you can see the sunset. It's also important. what material to build a house! Alexander Borodin is often told that the houses he designed are similar. The architect does not deny this, noting that the main thing in his homes is convenience.
It is difficult to argue with an experienced architect. Looking at the mistakes and mistakes of customers, he probably knows. How to properly plan the construction of a house Implement it with minimal resources. There is no need for more in this matter.
Instead of spending years building a house, the Mexican company Omega and the architect Jorge Capitan came up with special bricks that can be compared to pieces of a puzzle. From them you can build a house on the land without cement at all. And in just a few hours!
Share this article with your friends. Surely it will be interesting for those who are just going to get a personal home.