Intelligence is never passed from father to son. That's who gave you a bright mind.
Children are always compared to their parents and close relatives. Who in the family has not heard about his resemblance to his brother, sister, grandfather, uncle?
But the external similarity is not limited. In the process of life, other features similar to relatives appear: manners, mindset, temperament. All of this is made possible by genetic informationIt is passed on to children from their parents.
But at the same time, a predisposition to diseases is transmitted. Having serious health problems, parents naturally worry about heredity, worrying about how healthy their child will be.
Heredity The ability of the human body to transmit genetic information to offspring, which includes both characteristic external traits and mental abilities.
From a father, intelligence is not transmitted to a son. His daughter gets about half of his mental capacity. This explains why Geniuses have the most ordinary children. But the good news is that the principle works in the opposite direction, so even the stupidest man can give birth to a brilliant child.
DepositPhotos But genius A man can pass her daughter to his sons, his grandchildren. Although the daughter herself may not be very smart. Perhaps because of this frankly stupid women do not exist, which can not be said about men. On the other hand, there are many brilliant men, but only a few women.
DepositPhotos What else is inherited
Genetics easily removes many stereotypes that were naively believed not only by us, but also by our parents. We talked about why our maternal grandmother is the most important person in our lives.
What are the characteristics of your parents?
But the external similarity is not limited. In the process of life, other features similar to relatives appear: manners, mindset, temperament. All of this is made possible by genetic informationIt is passed on to children from their parents.

But at the same time, a predisposition to diseases is transmitted. Having serious health problems, parents naturally worry about heredity, worrying about how healthy their child will be.
Heredity The ability of the human body to transmit genetic information to offspring, which includes both characteristic external traits and mental abilities.

From a father, intelligence is not transmitted to a son. His daughter gets about half of his mental capacity. This explains why Geniuses have the most ordinary children. But the good news is that the principle works in the opposite direction, so even the stupidest man can give birth to a brilliant child.

DepositPhotos But genius A man can pass her daughter to his sons, his grandchildren. Although the daughter herself may not be very smart. Perhaps because of this frankly stupid women do not exist, which can not be said about men. On the other hand, there are many brilliant men, but only a few women.

DepositPhotos What else is inherited
- Laziness
It was found that lazy people who nourish boundless pleasure from lying on the couch, have corresponding features at the genetic level, which affects their activity. - The drive to travel
There are people who seem to have grown to one place, but there are also those who are born to travel. It is the presence of the “traveler gene” in the latter that makes them prone to adventure, constant moving and changing habitats.
DepositPhotos - Susceptibility to bad habits
Smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction affect millions of people, but these problems are not only social but also medical. It has been found that people's addiction is determined by their genetic predisposition. - Love relationships
Even in such a romantic case, genetics plays a huge role. Women do not react to the appearance, character or material situation of a potential partner, but to his family of genes, which is called the main histocompatibility complex.
DepositPhotos - Fears
One can hear the opinion that phobias appear on the basis of negative past experiences. However, researchers have determined that phobias can be transmitted genetically. But perhaps this is the survival skill inherent in nature itself.
Genetics easily removes many stereotypes that were naively believed not only by us, but also by our parents. We talked about why our maternal grandmother is the most important person in our lives.
What are the characteristics of your parents?
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