Why you should send your child to music school
Why should a child playWhat if he never became a musician? These are the questions parents often ask when they hear about music school. Indeed, father and mother often see more benefit in sports, whether karate, athletics or football. The pros are more obvious.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what the advantage of studying in music school and how huge it can be. influence of music on children to shape their identity.
In the process of raising a worthy member of society, parents focus primarily on the development of intellectual qualities. Dad and mom are trying to give the child an education in the best school, adding extracurricular classes here, and then give the child to a prestigious university.
Parents forget the importance of emotional development. The result is intelligent children who cannot express emotions, who cannot distinguish between good and evil, who cannot regret or sympathize.
Music education not only introduces a person to musical art and instills a love for music itself, but also comprehensively develops. In addition, music teaches to find the border between good and evil, to maintain a natural sensitivity.
That moral qualities are formed under the influence of music, argued Pythagoras. His followers considered music a gift from the gods that ennobled the human soul.
And learn to play a musical instrumentIt takes a lot of effort. But in addition to hard work, you need to concentrate. Even if a person after graduating from music school did not become a professional, in life, the concentration and diligence acquired by him will be useful more than once.
String and keyboard musical instruments develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements, help develop spatial thinking.
People don’t just learn to deal with musical He learns to play for people, to play so that others want to listen. After all, music can not only cause aesthetic pleasure - it can energize, motivate, inspire faith.
The child must be introduced to folk music so that he understands the culture of his people. Besides, folk-song It is a storehouse of historical knowledge and wisdom.
Also great. classicalThese immortal works are the standard of sound and impeccable musical taste. Emotional education!
Music classes are useful not only for children but also for adults. We recently reported that it is almost impossible to meet an older musician with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. There are 10 reasons why a child should go to music school.
“Children should be taught music, not for decency, but for general development. In addition, music classes develop areas of the brain responsible for speech, notes neurolinguist Tatiana Chernigovskaya.
How do you feel about playing music?
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what the advantage of studying in music school and how huge it can be. influence of music on children to shape their identity.
In the process of raising a worthy member of society, parents focus primarily on the development of intellectual qualities. Dad and mom are trying to give the child an education in the best school, adding extracurricular classes here, and then give the child to a prestigious university.
Parents forget the importance of emotional development. The result is intelligent children who cannot express emotions, who cannot distinguish between good and evil, who cannot regret or sympathize.
Music education not only introduces a person to musical art and instills a love for music itself, but also comprehensively develops. In addition, music teaches to find the border between good and evil, to maintain a natural sensitivity.
That moral qualities are formed under the influence of music, argued Pythagoras. His followers considered music a gift from the gods that ennobled the human soul.
And learn to play a musical instrumentIt takes a lot of effort. But in addition to hard work, you need to concentrate. Even if a person after graduating from music school did not become a professional, in life, the concentration and diligence acquired by him will be useful more than once.
String and keyboard musical instruments develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements, help develop spatial thinking.
People don’t just learn to deal with musical He learns to play for people, to play so that others want to listen. After all, music can not only cause aesthetic pleasure - it can energize, motivate, inspire faith.
The child must be introduced to folk music so that he understands the culture of his people. Besides, folk-song It is a storehouse of historical knowledge and wisdom.
Also great. classicalThese immortal works are the standard of sound and impeccable musical taste. Emotional education!
Music classes are useful not only for children but also for adults. We recently reported that it is almost impossible to meet an older musician with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. There are 10 reasons why a child should go to music school.
“Children should be taught music, not for decency, but for general development. In addition, music classes develop areas of the brain responsible for speech, notes neurolinguist Tatiana Chernigovskaya.
How do you feel about playing music?
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