7 Mistakes of Princess Diana It was possible to avoid irreparable...
The story of Princess Diana really felt like a fairy tale. An ordinary kindergarten teacher with an aristocratic background suddenly became a living folk icon, the embodiment of all virtues and an integral part of the life of the royal family. However, her life was tragically cut short at the age of 36. Lady Dee. She played a huge role in the life of Britain at the end of the XX century, and her mysterious death in a car accident was a disgraceful stain on the representatives of the world’s oldest monarchy.
There is still a debate about accident or planned murder. We will not know this, but it is worth analyzing the biography, behavior and mistakes of this outstanding woman. Millions of girls today want to be princesses. They dream about the appearance in their lives of a prince, not necessarily the heir to the throne, it can be a politician, a businessman, an artist, and even with a good pedigree. Which will save them from the troubles of the poor. rich and powerfulIn general, it will turn life into a carefree tale.
But they have no idea how hard it is to live up to this world of high demands and low morals. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I decided to disassemble 7 fatal Princess Diana's mistakeswhich are distinguished by historians, bibliographers and psychologists.
The Story of Princess Diana
There is no time to go back and no one will tell you how things would have turned out if Diana had behaved differently. I can only say one thing: she remained in the memory of her children as a caring mother. Her charitable projects have helped many people. She has left her mark on Kensington Palace forever.
And for all girls who want to change their social status through marriage, you need to draw the right conclusions from the biography of Princess Diana. Beauty can only attract, but your communication will take place not only with your husband, but also with his relatives and friends. Therefore, it is very important to fill yourself with new knowledge to feel confident in their society.
Also remember that you are the marginal, which means that you should accept the conditions of the new social group, not dictate your own. And, of course, do not forget about your roots, so that the new status and benefits do not overshadow your mind.
Do you think you should adopt the rules of a new family or should you play your own game? Tell us in the comments and share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!

There is still a debate about accident or planned murder. We will not know this, but it is worth analyzing the biography, behavior and mistakes of this outstanding woman. Millions of girls today want to be princesses. They dream about the appearance in their lives of a prince, not necessarily the heir to the throne, it can be a politician, a businessman, an artist, and even with a good pedigree. Which will save them from the troubles of the poor. rich and powerfulIn general, it will turn life into a carefree tale.
But they have no idea how hard it is to live up to this world of high demands and low morals. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I decided to disassemble 7 fatal Princess Diana's mistakeswhich are distinguished by historians, bibliographers and psychologists.

The Story of Princess Diana
- She married Prince Charles.
Diana's favorite book was the love novel The King's Bride. As she herself admitted, all her wishes were described. Of course, the young girl agreed to become the wife of the prince. And it does not matter that they were unfamiliar, had no common interests, and most importantly - he had a long affair with a married woman, which he did not break even after the wedding. The union of these two people was very complicated: Charles had another woman, the royal family does not criticize her, and the princess herself, they say, had a lover. As a result, the fact that Diana was chosen as his bride regretted everyone from his parents to Charles. The prince’s only consolation was his sons. Elizabeth herself did not like the girl, because despite her aristocratic origin, she began to be considered a “princess of the people”.
So it's impossible. happy marriage People who got married quickly, and even had quite different partners. A story happens on paper, not in life. Human relationships are too complex to be built out of nothing. - Jealousy
Jealousy destroys families regardless of status. In order to attract and hold the rapidly elusive attention of her husband, the princess did not come up with anything better than to throw tantrums, fall into despondency, stage attempts to inflict bodily harm on herself. This happened even during pregnancy. Instead of bewitching her husband with feminine magnetism, Diana gave him scenes of jealousy. This is not the best decision, and in the case of a husband who is not very interested in you, a fatal mistake. No one likes nervous women. You can be an incredible beauty, but if you are not able to build a strategy, then appearance will bring nothing but disappointment. - Claims
Despite her aristocratic background, Princess Diana was not well educated. Before the marriage, she worked as an assistant teacher. Lady Dee did not consider it necessary to raise her cultural and educational level, having received an education to become a worthy member of the family, to favor the queen and husband, to be able to maintain small talk, to be an interesting interlocutor. Yes, she was good in her heart, but to stay afloat in high society, you need to develop yourself daily. But, according to people from the royal entourage, she often arranged tantrums and expressed her discontent. It is clear that members of the royal family considered such behavior unacceptable. - Infidelity
Biographers have presented the world a list of lovers of Lady Dee, which, to put it mildly, is shocking. To avenge her husband for his woman on the side, the princess cheated on him with many men. Among them were even stable workers, service personnel, officers. In general, a woman with a broken heart went into all serious. - Desire to stand out
Perhaps Diana did not fully understand what the behavior of the princess should be, or she was an overly shocking person, that even the acquired status seemed to her not bright enough. In any case, she did not want to accept the rules, for which she was completely deprived of the support of the Queen. She decided to attract attention to her person with shocking antics: she wore red tights to a public event, and at a reception at the White House, the princess lit rock and roll with John Travolta, at one of the main scenes she danced as a gift to her husband in a lingerie dress. Journalists carried the news around the world with lightning speed, the public laughed, the Queen was angry. But Diana denied any allegations. - Complaints against the public
The royal family has always been in the crosshairs of reporters and journalists. But Diana not only foolishly fed them with events, but also purposefully gave materials for sensations. Her friends spread everything they heard about the inner life of the family. This is the basis of the book Diana. Her True Story, written by controversial unspoken biographer Andrew Morton. And her candid interview, which she gave after the divorce from the prince, just blew up the media world. Her complaints about her ex-husband, her family relationships, and her difficult life at the palace created a resonance she had never expected. Her situation became even worse. - Relationship with a Muslim
Many believe that the main mistake of Lady Dee was that after the divorce she had a public relationship with Dodi al-Fayed. What's the big deal? The desire to arrange a personal life and take revenge on her ex-husband eclipsed the fact that even as an ex-wife, she remains the mother of the heirs to the British throne and such antics are not allowed to her. She introduced the children to a new chosen one, and they rested together on the Cote d'Azur. Thus, Diana became even more dangerous for the royal family, because the appearance of a new pope for the heirs to the throne was unacceptable.
There is no time to go back and no one will tell you how things would have turned out if Diana had behaved differently. I can only say one thing: she remained in the memory of her children as a caring mother. Her charitable projects have helped many people. She has left her mark on Kensington Palace forever.

And for all girls who want to change their social status through marriage, you need to draw the right conclusions from the biography of Princess Diana. Beauty can only attract, but your communication will take place not only with your husband, but also with his relatives and friends. Therefore, it is very important to fill yourself with new knowledge to feel confident in their society.
Also remember that you are the marginal, which means that you should accept the conditions of the new social group, not dictate your own. And, of course, do not forget about your roots, so that the new status and benefits do not overshadow your mind.
Do you think you should adopt the rules of a new family or should you play your own game? Tell us in the comments and share an interesting article with your friends on social networks!