How to Accept Your Age
When I was 20, I thought that the phrase “forty years of life is just beginning” was invented to console the decrepit half of humanity, to sweeten the bitter pill of aging and somehow brighten up the boring wait for the end.
But here I am forty-one years old, and I still do not understand that the fifth decade is here, with me and now. You can’t hide my gray hair on a selfie, and I’m still the same in my heart, twenty years old, and I know for sure that life does not end at 40 years old.
I did a lot of things, even more did not have time, I often feel in the morning that the liver exists, quite coarse soul, but I can not get rid of the feeling that I was at the crossroads of a thousand roads, and my head is spinning from the opportunity to choose any of them.
This is comparable to the excitement you feel right before the start, when the school is behind you and the future doesn’t exist yet. Then you enter the institute, master the profession, earn authority and money, experience the first bitter disappointments, but you remain the same.
As a rule, until forty you go in someone's fairway. Without even realizing it, you follow the flagship on the horizon. But now you are forty and the horizon is clear. This is the moment, life is just beginning.
Life after 40 years At 40, life is just beginning.And under no circumstances should it be allowed not to begin. You can’t make the mistake that almost everyone makes. You can't just keep living.
At twenty you are ready for accomplishments, but you are afraid of many things, and at 40 you have experience and opportunities. "Site" Learn how to embrace your age and take advantage of it on your way to your new life.
Exchange the fifth decade - no problem. The problem is your thoughts and ideas about age. Aging should be taken as an inevitable fact and not try to evaluate it.
DepositPhotos I’m 41, I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I’m inspired by the prospect of tackling new challenges. Especially now that I know a lot and I’m not afraid.
Editorial "Site" I want to share with you the story of Elena Cecchini, who proved that at the age of 40, life only begins when you want it.
Age is just a number in your passport! Find out about the ten most beautiful 65+ women the world admires. Calling these ladies old women just doesn't turn the tongue.

But here I am forty-one years old, and I still do not understand that the fifth decade is here, with me and now. You can’t hide my gray hair on a selfie, and I’m still the same in my heart, twenty years old, and I know for sure that life does not end at 40 years old.

I did a lot of things, even more did not have time, I often feel in the morning that the liver exists, quite coarse soul, but I can not get rid of the feeling that I was at the crossroads of a thousand roads, and my head is spinning from the opportunity to choose any of them.

This is comparable to the excitement you feel right before the start, when the school is behind you and the future doesn’t exist yet. Then you enter the institute, master the profession, earn authority and money, experience the first bitter disappointments, but you remain the same.

As a rule, until forty you go in someone's fairway. Without even realizing it, you follow the flagship on the horizon. But now you are forty and the horizon is clear. This is the moment, life is just beginning.
Life after 40 years At 40, life is just beginning.And under no circumstances should it be allowed not to begin. You can’t make the mistake that almost everyone makes. You can't just keep living.
At twenty you are ready for accomplishments, but you are afraid of many things, and at 40 you have experience and opportunities. "Site" Learn how to embrace your age and take advantage of it on your way to your new life.
- Start changing everything, now is the time.
Forty years old people often say the phrase: “It’s too late, nothing can change.” But is that true? If you analyze the activities of tens of thousands of people, you will find that few of them have achieved impressive success before the age of forty. There are many examples of these words. Henry Ford, for example, invented the Ford Motor Company at the age of 40. He built the Ford Model T at the age of 45.
Jean Reno received his starring role in the film “Leon” only at the age of 46, and Christian Dior was able to achieve success only at the age of 42.
DepositPhotos - Stop trying to live up to expectations
Stop trying to live up to someone’s expectations. One of the greatest freedoms is not to worry about what everyone else thinks of you. Be yourself, accept all your "I want", "I can" and "I know", learn to filter any information received in your address, and your life will definitely play with other, more vivid colors.
As Judy Garland once said, “Be always the original version of yourself, not a copy of someone else.” Live by this advice.
DepositPhotos - Accept yourself as you are.
Learn the magic formula of happiness: either you are loved as you are, or you will never be loved again under any circumstances. Life is too short to wait for the indifferent to wake up.
DepositPhotos - Have a hundred friends.
The situation with friends after 40 years changes quite a lot. Many friendships that seemed eternal in youth are falling apart. But new friendships arise, based on common beliefs, interests and experience of the past years. They have much less emotions than in their youth, but this is what makes them stronger.
DepositPhotos - Don't chase youth, you won't catch up.
Don’t try to get younger and deny your age. Agree, 35-year-old Veronica Castro in the popular once series “Wild Rose” looks monstrous in the role of a young girl. Age is not a vice. You can't be ashamed of being over 40. Stop comparing yourself to younger people and be jealous of them. Do not contrast youth and maturity. Think about what you can do now, not what you didn’t do.
DepositPhotos - Get rid of negativity and those who create it.
Don’t get away from negative people, run away from them. At 40, there's too little time to waste on people who suck happiness out of you. - Analyze your relationship with children
What do you know about a child's life? Does he trust you with all his secrets and fears? Or, in pursuit of a career, did you break the link between you and a loved one? At 40, it’s not too late to be a good parent.
DepositPhotos - Keep a positive attitude and smile more often.
Then no one will care until your age. Many actresses admit that one of the secrets of their beauty is not plastic surgery, but self-love and positive emotions. - Say yes to your years.
Kim Cattrall once said, “My 40s flew by quickly and painlessly.” Because I received them and said to them, "Come in!" And that's a good role model. Just say yes to your years and start living your life to the fullest, because no one can take away your youth. No one but yourself can make you stop thinking, wonder, open up, love and be happy.
Exchange the fifth decade - no problem. The problem is your thoughts and ideas about age. Aging should be taken as an inevitable fact and not try to evaluate it.

DepositPhotos I’m 41, I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I’m inspired by the prospect of tackling new challenges. Especially now that I know a lot and I’m not afraid.
Editorial "Site" I want to share with you the story of Elena Cecchini, who proved that at the age of 40, life only begins when you want it.
Age is just a number in your passport! Find out about the ten most beautiful 65+ women the world admires. Calling these ladies old women just doesn't turn the tongue.