What products will help active brain activity
It is great if to improve brain function and prevent senile diseases you read, solve logical problems and live your goals. But it turns out that nutrition and simple daily habits also play a big role in this matter. In the pursuit of a slim figure and clean skin, we rarely think about the needs of the brain. No way. Neurosurgeon with 50 years of experience Vlad Shiurea is sure that brain-health in simple things.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you what kind of food your brain likes, as well as good daily habits. After all, we constantly strain this organ, and in return we give nothing.
Vlad Shiurea argues that the first steps to a healthy brain and mental clarity are very simple and accessible to everyone. A neurosurgeon who has performed 23,000 surgeries advises getting up early and drinking 2 glasses of warm water and breakfast. “In the morning, we need to wake up as early as possible, open the windows and breathe fresh air. And don't forget two glasses of water.”
“The first one will start the entire gastrointestinal tract. The second glass is useful because it moves the whole body. The brain has two points of maximum activity: between 10-12 and 16-18 hours. If he gets tired, give him some coffee, Shiurea says. The doctor strongly advises not to skip breakfast, because it is he who supplies the brain with the necessary trace elements after sleep.
“Breakfast should be in a calm atmosphere, enjoying each piece. No worries, no noise, no problems, no smoking breaks. The more relaxing it is, the more pleasant it is for you. Lunch should be balanced. You should not clog your stomach - know the measure. Moreover, prefer regular water rather than juices.”
Sweets are harmful, but if they give you joy, you can treat yourself a little. Just choose the right goodies: “Dark natural chocolate, hot natural cocoa, honey is what your brain likes the most.”
Vlad Siurea also says that all food restrictions should be reasonable and not categorical. You need to eat everything, but not in large quantities: Yes, meat does not do the brain any good. But in small amounts, meat helps the body. It is best to eat low-calorie meat. Turkey and fish are the most useful thing that can be. The brain does not like fat, does not like salt. Once or twice a year for the holidays. But don't get carried away with such food.”
Also, do not forget that even during sleep, our brain works. Therefore, it is not necessary to burden him with even more insomnia or solving important questions at night: “If a person falls asleep with a difficult question in his head and does not know how to solve it, the next morning he will have an answer. So the brain has made a connection between thought, judgment, memory, and in the morning, it will give you an idea. So forget about sleepless nights.” And keep in mind that good sleep cleans the brain of garbage.
In addition to nutrition and good sleep, the brain needs movement. Yes, physical activity also affects brain function and memory: “Three important things the brain needs: speech, writing, movement.” Many have forgotten what music is and how to enjoy it, and worse, they don't want to dance. Dance has been proven to prevent the earlier development of Alzheimer’s disease.”
The best friend of your brain is a smile. Positive emotions help to overcome sadness and affect your mental activity. Surround yourself with good people and try to do what you like.
Also, the neurosurgeon gave some tips for improving brain function in the fall.
Tell us in the comments what plays a key role for you in choosing a diet. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you what kind of food your brain likes, as well as good daily habits. After all, we constantly strain this organ, and in return we give nothing.
Vlad Shiurea argues that the first steps to a healthy brain and mental clarity are very simple and accessible to everyone. A neurosurgeon who has performed 23,000 surgeries advises getting up early and drinking 2 glasses of warm water and breakfast. “In the morning, we need to wake up as early as possible, open the windows and breathe fresh air. And don't forget two glasses of water.”
“The first one will start the entire gastrointestinal tract. The second glass is useful because it moves the whole body. The brain has two points of maximum activity: between 10-12 and 16-18 hours. If he gets tired, give him some coffee, Shiurea says. The doctor strongly advises not to skip breakfast, because it is he who supplies the brain with the necessary trace elements after sleep.
“Breakfast should be in a calm atmosphere, enjoying each piece. No worries, no noise, no problems, no smoking breaks. The more relaxing it is, the more pleasant it is for you. Lunch should be balanced. You should not clog your stomach - know the measure. Moreover, prefer regular water rather than juices.”
Sweets are harmful, but if they give you joy, you can treat yourself a little. Just choose the right goodies: “Dark natural chocolate, hot natural cocoa, honey is what your brain likes the most.”
Vlad Siurea also says that all food restrictions should be reasonable and not categorical. You need to eat everything, but not in large quantities: Yes, meat does not do the brain any good. But in small amounts, meat helps the body. It is best to eat low-calorie meat. Turkey and fish are the most useful thing that can be. The brain does not like fat, does not like salt. Once or twice a year for the holidays. But don't get carried away with such food.”
Also, do not forget that even during sleep, our brain works. Therefore, it is not necessary to burden him with even more insomnia or solving important questions at night: “If a person falls asleep with a difficult question in his head and does not know how to solve it, the next morning he will have an answer. So the brain has made a connection between thought, judgment, memory, and in the morning, it will give you an idea. So forget about sleepless nights.” And keep in mind that good sleep cleans the brain of garbage.
In addition to nutrition and good sleep, the brain needs movement. Yes, physical activity also affects brain function and memory: “Three important things the brain needs: speech, writing, movement.” Many have forgotten what music is and how to enjoy it, and worse, they don't want to dance. Dance has been proven to prevent the earlier development of Alzheimer’s disease.”
The best friend of your brain is a smile. Positive emotions help to overcome sadness and affect your mental activity. Surround yourself with good people and try to do what you like.
Also, the neurosurgeon gave some tips for improving brain function in the fall.
Tell us in the comments what plays a key role for you in choosing a diet. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.