Do I need to give a baby water?
The life of young parents is full of not only new feelings and worries, but also fears. Cute pharmacists and manufacturers of baby food time after time come up with new horror stories, which are led by new moms and dads. But if some myths can be quickly exposed, others litter the heads of ignorant people for years, causing irreparable harm.
People believe that water is necessary for everyone, regardless of age. And it's even indicated to whom, how and how much water to drink. At the same time, neither the characteristics of the body, nor the ambient temperature, nor other conditions are taken into account. Therefore, the daily rate of water is a myth.
If an adult is not afraid to drink more water than necessary, then for a young child this can have serious consequences. And today's edition. "Site" He'll try to figure it out. Can I give the baby water? In general, and why in some cases it is better to do without this valuable liquid.
DepositPhotos How much water to drink children "The need for fluids the child fully covers due to breast milk and milk formulas. This is enough not to be afraid of dehydration, so up to a year, the baby can quite do without water, says British nutritionist Katie Zeracki.
DepositPhotos Katie and her colleagues found that water is harmful to young children. In their opinion, in milk and milk mixtures there are many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for the child's body. But with water, these useful substances are simply washed out of the body. And this despite the fact that the energy needs of the baby are greater than that of an adult.
“Moreover, excess fluid can cause a child’s blood sodium levels to drop to critical levels. In medicine, this is called water intoxication. This condition is fraught with even lethal outcome, explains Katie Zeracki.
Some people believe questionable sources and force themselves to drink a few liters of water daily. But if for the body of an adult, such a test is rarely a threat, then for a child it can be disastrous.
“Incidents where a child drinks too much water a day are rare, but they do occur. Don’t force your child to drink as much water as you think is normal.
Famous Russian pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky also believes that the child needs drinkAs much as he wants. And if the room is normal humidity, and the child is not hot, then he can completely refuse water.
“The approximate daily water allowance for a child is about 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Moreover, you should not offer water with food, but about an hour after a meal. And believe me, a child who is thirsty will not just fall asleep: his tummy will hurt, he will cry.
DepositPhotosDoes the child need water?? If the child is too hot, then you can not do without water, because he will sweat profusely, and the loss of moisture should be compensated, concludes Evgeny Olegovich.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is important that the water that the child drinks is clean. If the water is boiled, the painful bacteria will die, but the salts necessary for the child’s body will precipitate. So either buy quality mineral water, or go to the nearest spring.
“A three-liter jar of water, closed and hidden in the refrigerator, will last a month for a child for two. And it will remain, says Dr. Komarovsky.
We’ve already talked about why adults drink water in the morning. It turns out that this is a very useful habit, which is approved by both official and folk medicine. Just drink in moderation. And also find out what lies behind the harmless request of the child to bring him a drink of water. It turns out that we know so little about even the closest people.
People believe that water is necessary for everyone, regardless of age. And it's even indicated to whom, how and how much water to drink. At the same time, neither the characteristics of the body, nor the ambient temperature, nor other conditions are taken into account. Therefore, the daily rate of water is a myth.
If an adult is not afraid to drink more water than necessary, then for a young child this can have serious consequences. And today's edition. "Site" He'll try to figure it out. Can I give the baby water? In general, and why in some cases it is better to do without this valuable liquid.

DepositPhotos How much water to drink children "The need for fluids the child fully covers due to breast milk and milk formulas. This is enough not to be afraid of dehydration, so up to a year, the baby can quite do without water, says British nutritionist Katie Zeracki.

DepositPhotos Katie and her colleagues found that water is harmful to young children. In their opinion, in milk and milk mixtures there are many proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for the child's body. But with water, these useful substances are simply washed out of the body. And this despite the fact that the energy needs of the baby are greater than that of an adult.
“Moreover, excess fluid can cause a child’s blood sodium levels to drop to critical levels. In medicine, this is called water intoxication. This condition is fraught with even lethal outcome, explains Katie Zeracki.

Some people believe questionable sources and force themselves to drink a few liters of water daily. But if for the body of an adult, such a test is rarely a threat, then for a child it can be disastrous.
“Incidents where a child drinks too much water a day are rare, but they do occur. Don’t force your child to drink as much water as you think is normal.

Famous Russian pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky also believes that the child needs drinkAs much as he wants. And if the room is normal humidity, and the child is not hot, then he can completely refuse water.
“The approximate daily water allowance for a child is about 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Moreover, you should not offer water with food, but about an hour after a meal. And believe me, a child who is thirsty will not just fall asleep: his tummy will hurt, he will cry.

DepositPhotosDoes the child need water?? If the child is too hot, then you can not do without water, because he will sweat profusely, and the loss of moisture should be compensated, concludes Evgeny Olegovich.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is important that the water that the child drinks is clean. If the water is boiled, the painful bacteria will die, but the salts necessary for the child’s body will precipitate. So either buy quality mineral water, or go to the nearest spring.
“A three-liter jar of water, closed and hidden in the refrigerator, will last a month for a child for two. And it will remain, says Dr. Komarovsky.

We’ve already talked about why adults drink water in the morning. It turns out that this is a very useful habit, which is approved by both official and folk medicine. Just drink in moderation. And also find out what lies behind the harmless request of the child to bring him a drink of water. It turns out that we know so little about even the closest people.