What kind of cats should not have
Cats are smart, sensitive, beautiful animals, and even diseases are able to treat and drive away evil spirits from home. The mind of an animal can manifest itself in different ways: some breeds remember commands faster, others are able to solve complex problems and even manipulate the host. All murmurs are amenable to training, but still there are those who are more difficult to give simple commands, they are long accustomed to the tray and not very smart.
Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I decided to introduce you to the rating. dumbcat. It is important to know what difficulties you can face in the process of raising your pet, because having a pet is a great responsibility. The rating is relative and is based on feedback from the owners of these cats and specialists.
Features of cat breeds
All cats are attractive and mysterious in their own way. This ranking, like everyone else, is highly subjective and there are always exceptions. It depends on the owners. After all, the animal must be loved and given due attention, then it will be affectionate and understanding.
Earlier we talked about the rating of dog breeds.
Tell us in the comments what breed of cats or dogs you prefer. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I decided to introduce you to the rating. dumbcat. It is important to know what difficulties you can face in the process of raising your pet, because having a pet is a great responsibility. The rating is relative and is based on feedback from the owners of these cats and specialists.
Features of cat breeds
- Persian cat
Persian cats are considered to be among the oldest. They are very beautiful: chic silky hair, large expressive eyes, snub-nosed nose, plump cheeks. Persians are very friendly, unobtrusive, calm towards children and often choose one master and become attached to him. However, they are naturally very lazy. You can play with them, but they are not very smart. The owner himself must guess what his cat needs, because it only looks and practically does not give a voice. It is necessary to hide dangerous objects from her, check the washing machine, make sure that she does not jump on a hot stove, since even repeated exposure to an unpleasant situation does not teach her prudence.
DepositPhotos - Exotic Shorthair
These are the cutest outwardly cats that appeared as a result of crossing American Shorthair and Persian cats. They have a short thick coat, a flattened snout and a snub-nosed nose. They are friendly, balanced and affectionate. They need the presence of people very much. However, it is difficult to remember prohibitive commands. It is quite difficult to accustom them to the tray - it will take a lot of time and exposure. Exots care little about their purity, so the owner will often need to bathe and comb out their pet.
DepositPhotos - Kurzhaar
Kurzhaar, or American Shorthair, is often featured in television commercials and is considered a national treasure. Her appearance is very spectacular and unusual: a square face with full cheeks and very expressive eyes. Cats of this breed are not at all conflict, get along well with children and love praise. They respond well to simple commands, but to teach them something difficult is quite problematic. The big downside to home is they're born hunters. Such a cat will climb wherever it is possible and impossible, ripping off furniture and knocking down objects in its path. And weaning her from this is almost impossible.
DepositPhotos - Devon Rex
Very unusual cats that have something cosmic in them. Devon Rex in nature resembles a dog, he is extremely attached to the owner and does not tolerate separation. Loves children, loves to play, active and mobile. A pet can be taught simple commands, but the word "can't" does not apply to it. Cats of this breed love to wander around all corners of the house, which can be very dangerous for them. Without embarrassment, they jump on the table in search of delicious things and open the pots. They can even jump on the stove. They also have difficulty learning to tray.
DepositPhotos - Kuril Bobtail
The main distinguishing feature is a short, as if chopped tail and tassels on the ears. The character is friendly, the cat will treat all family members well, but she will have one favorite. It's not easy for Bobtail to train any teams, it's more because he's interested in hunting. Very wayward cats. Another feature is that the cat can literally rush to unpleasant people. It is also difficult to take it to the vet: in order to get vaccinated or look at the ears, it will need to be held by several people.
DepositPhotos - ragdoll
Ragdolls can reach a meter in length along with the tail and weigh up to 10 kg. The character is exceptionally calm, kind and affectionate. They are as human-oriented as possible. They are characterized by innate phlegmaticity and laziness, because of which they do not react very much to commands. Very silent and like to sleep. Keep them strictly in the house or apartment, because on the street they simply will not survive: they do not know how to defend their rights before other cats and get their own food. They can easily get lost and never come back.
DepositPhotos - Selkirk-rex
Unusual cats with curly hair. Character friendly, attached to people, but do not bother without reason. They love to play. Do not expect the cat to be smart, so you need to look after him. He also retains the character of a kitten, and until his death he will run for his toys and rustle packets.
DepositPhotos - American Curl
A characteristic feature of the breed is bent, as if turned back ears. Kerls are very loyal, affectionate, love communication, games, are constantly in a good mood. Cats of this breed easily remember their name and always react to it. However, they do not understand the prohibitions. When a cat wants to play, it will impose its society to the last.
DepositPhotos - Scottish Fold-eared
Very popular recently cats with bent ears and beautiful color. The character is calm, friendly, but at the same time quite independent. Great for busy people, because they prefer to keep a distance from the household, although they love them. Easily responds to simple commands, but with more intricate will be problems. Besides, when the Scots don't want to be touched, they don't react at all. Kittens are hard to train to the tray.
DepositPhotos - Japanese Bobtail
A distinctive feature of the breed is the tail-pompon. The character of Bobtails explosive, they are very active, temperamental, well-developed hunting instinct. They are devoted to all family members, especially children. They do not understand calm, measured speech well. They need to be trained in a playful way. They have to be constantly monitored, because because of their activity they often get into dangerous situations, and negative experience teaches them nothing.
All cats are attractive and mysterious in their own way. This ranking, like everyone else, is highly subjective and there are always exceptions. It depends on the owners. After all, the animal must be loved and given due attention, then it will be affectionate and understanding.
Earlier we talked about the rating of dog breeds.
Tell us in the comments what breed of cats or dogs you prefer. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.