What culinary mistakes spoil the taste of dishes
Sometimes, cooked everything as in the recipe from the famous chef, but it turned out not to be clear what happened. The reason is annoying mistakes that spoil the taste of food. We allow them every day without even knowing it.
Success in cooking consists of details, the assimilation of which can take many years. If you don’t want to spend 10 years on trial and error, spend 10 minutes studying the most common mistakes and don’t repeat them again!
Chef's secrets
"Site" He will tell you about simple, but perhaps unobvious ways to avoid the annoying mistakes in making delicious and juicy homemade patties.
I liked these culinary tricks: simple, but so effective! Pay attention to #6, I think it can be useful in many cases.
Culinary (and not only) secrets of Julia Vysotskaya. It turns out that delicious food and a slim figure are quite compatible!

Success in cooking consists of details, the assimilation of which can take many years. If you don’t want to spend 10 years on trial and error, spend 10 minutes studying the most common mistakes and don’t repeat them again!

Chef's secrets
- Boil instead of stew
This is one of the most common mistakes. It is worth a little distraction, and you already boil the dish instead of gently stewing it. One of the main conditions for obtaining stewed dishes is a low temperature. Heated should be so that the mass could not fully boil, and if you listen, you can hear the characteristic sound of longing.
With normal cooking, bubble boiling occurs. However, to preserve vitamins, you should not allow the liquid to boil too intensely. Guests are unlikely to like "rubber" beef, which was boiled instead of stewing. - Cook potatoes and tomatoes together
If you put fresh tomatoes to raw potatoes, then no matter how much you stew the potatoes, you can not cook it to a state of softness. Potatoes will remain raw due to the acid that tomatoes contain. It slows down the process of cooking other vegetables. Tomatoes and any sauces prepared on their basis, put when the dish is fully prepared. - Cut the meat as you can.
Mistake in cooking The meat is cut as it should. As a result, a seemingly appetizing piece of meat turns into a kind of sole that is difficult to chew. Before you cut the meat, look at it carefully. On closer inspection, you will see lines running along the length of a piece of meat. It's fiber. By cutting meat across the fibers, you make the pieces softer and juicier. This is especially true for hard meats, such as lamb and beef. - Put meat from the refrigerator directly on the pan
Before cooking, the meat should be brought to room temperature. Get the meat out of the refrigerator in advance and let it stand for 2-3 hours so that the temperature of the surface and the middle of the piece can be equalized. Such a trick will allow the meat to be evenly fried. The same rule applies to baking in the oven. - Bad to salt water for pasta
When cooking pasta, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of salt. After all, if you salt pasta incorrectly, you will get a tasteless mass from which you will not cook anything good. To correctly determine the required amount of salt, we suggest taking 1 tablespoon per 300 grams of pasta. - Fried in olive oil
For most people, the answer to the question of which oil is best to fry is extremely simple – vegetable. However, not all oil is suitable for frying. And not everything for all kinds of frying. Another one. culinary error - fry in olive oil. With strong heat, it loses all its useful properties and begins to burn, which can completely spoil the taste of your dishes. Therefore, leave olive oil for dressing salads, and use refined sunflower for frying.
Earlier we wrote about the rich vitamins and very useful oil ghee, which can be stored for up to 6 months at room temperature and has a high smoking point, so it can be safely used for frying. - Mashed potatoes in a blender
Do not use a blender to whip potatoes, because it grinds the potatoes too fine, and you will get a sticky cluster instead of mashed potatoes. Use a simple push, or better yet, a hand mill for grinding potatoes. - Making red cabbage soup
If you plan to cook shy not from white cabbage, but from red, then be prepared for the fact that as a result you will get blue soup. It is unlikely that anyone will taste such a strange shade of food. - Making solid cheese soup
Do not try to make soup from hard cheese. First, you run the risk of getting water with pieces of cheese instead of thick and rich soup. Secondly, a pot with cheese gruel stuck at the bottom will be very difficult to wash. - Soda and vinegar
When combined with an acidic environment, soda emits carbon dioxide, which loosens the dough. But when you combine soda with vinegar, not in the dough itself, the latter destroys carbon dioxide, and we introduce into the dough the residue of the reaction - insoluble salts that do not affect the looseness of the dough. To make the dough as airy as possible, extinguish the soda by the following method. Individually mix with 50 ml of water soda and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Then simultaneously pour the contents of the two containers into the dough.
"Site" He will tell you about simple, but perhaps unobvious ways to avoid the annoying mistakes in making delicious and juicy homemade patties.
I liked these culinary tricks: simple, but so effective! Pay attention to #6, I think it can be useful in many cases.
Culinary (and not only) secrets of Julia Vysotskaya. It turns out that delicious food and a slim figure are quite compatible!