How to grow asters in buckets

Fluffy bright flowers called "asters" look so great in a bouquet and please the eye for quite a long time in a vase on the windowsill. These flowers are unpretentious in care, even when grown in a flowerbed or garden.

There. perennialThey differ in the fact that annuals are large flowers on a long leg and are grown for bouquets, and perennials are small flowers that are planted on flower beds. We'll drop them off.

How to grow asters Editorial "Site" will tell How to properly grow astras In an unusual way.

Despite the fact that flowers are easy to grow, a beginner in this business needs to know. a few nuances when sowing and planting flowersThese babies can easily get sick if the seeds are planted incorrectly. The soil for astras is prepared from autumn so that the soil is fertile. In order to prepare the soil, you need to add humus to it and pour river water.

During planting, the soil should be fluffy and moist. You can plant asters already at the end of winter, as they are not afraid of cold and firmly bloom even at a temperature of -5. Seeds should be treated with a solution of permanganate in order to avoid fungal diseases of the flower.

For sowing, you will need two wide buckets with prepared soil, astra seeds, dry soil, coating for insulation.

How to plant asters
  1. Distribute evenly the seeds of asters on the ground. Do not spare the seeds, especially if they have been lying for a year. Astra seeds may not grow if they are already two years old, so it is better to sow fresh seeds and a lot.

  2. Sprinkle the seeds with dry soil in a thin layer.

  3. Slightly mix dry soil on top with wet and slightly pat on the ground to compact it.

  4. To speed up the germination of asters, you need to cover them. You can make two metal arcs on which the film will hang, you get a mini-greenhouse for future asters. Watering asters will be necessary even when they sprout.

That's easy. home-grownThe main thing is to make sure that they do not get sick, water flowers during drought and weed regularly.

This hostess tells in detail about planting domestic plants in the video.


If you want the garden to bloom and delight you, we have a list of flowers that require minimal maintenance. Unpretentious shrubs will look great at the country, they can become a beautiful fence from curious neighbors.

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