How human nature and eating behavior are related
“You are what you eat,” says modern nutritionists and doctors. Assuming that the quality of food depends on the quality of the human body and its health.
Etiquette connoisseurs and psychologists say a little differently: “Look how a person eats, and you will find out what he is.” For a person, eating is not only a physiological way to satisfy hunger, but also an emotional process that is accompanied by pleasure.
By how a person relates to food and how it consumes, you can learn a lot about it. In the process of eating, he is sincere, defenseless and real.
Our ancestors knew that before hiring an employee, you need to feed him, see how he eats, and then decide what to do with him. The guest was also treated to get as close to him as possible during the general meal and get to know him better.
DepositPhotos How People Eat
Food is prey. At the time of its absorption, some people protect the plate with their hand, close. In life they are owners and jealous. Others gesticulate aggressively with devices without noticing it, as if preparing to fight those who come close. The open and generous don't hide and can even share a dish.
People who observe rules of etiquette at the table and eating, accustomed to life in society. Their deep character traits are not easy to unravel at once. Whatever they feel in their hearts, they will behave decently in front of people.
About what are the basic rules of eating and how to behave at the table according to etiquette, read in our articles. Follow the links.
Etiquette connoisseurs and psychologists say a little differently: “Look how a person eats, and you will find out what he is.” For a person, eating is not only a physiological way to satisfy hunger, but also an emotional process that is accompanied by pleasure.

By how a person relates to food and how it consumes, you can learn a lot about it. In the process of eating, he is sincere, defenseless and real.
Our ancestors knew that before hiring an employee, you need to feed him, see how he eats, and then decide what to do with him. The guest was also treated to get as close to him as possible during the general meal and get to know him better.

DepositPhotos How People Eat
- If a person eats greedily and quickly, this does not mean that he is in a hurry. This means that he is by nature greedy and resentful. He thinks the world has given him something. He is constantly trying to make up for the shortage, including through food.
- Sucking and chanting testify not only to the lack of manners and upbringing, but also to the primitiveness of the human worldview. He is selfish and does not think about how people live next to him.
DepositPhotos - Licking a plate indicates a fear of poverty. A person is afraid of the onset of a dark day, so they stock up for the future. He is ready to eat every last crumb and even lick a plate. He does not leave the dish uneaten, even if he does not like it. Nothing is left in his glass, he drinks everything, even if he knows he's had enough.
DepositPhotos - Squeamishness, mannerism, sniffing and examining each piece of food indicates dissatisfaction with life. Such a person looks down on people, it is very difficult to build relationships on equal terms with him and be on the same wavelength.
- A person who eats vigorously but carefully is a businessman. He is a businessman by nature, likes to set goals and achieve them. At the same time, he does not like when his order is carried for a long time. In life, he is dissatisfied when he is disrespected. But the dish itself is rarely criticized, you can discuss issues constructively with it.
DepositPhotos - An aggressive person likes solid food, bites off something with force, or eats large chunks. What can be cut off, it can tear, demonstrating its power.
- A shy person will pick his plate or malnourish his portion.
- And capricious - to go through dishes. He does not yet know what he wants from life, he strives to show character instead of doing business.
DepositPhotos - An anxious personality leans on sweet or alcohol. We are talking only about the excessive use of these products. At this time, she produces endorphins, forcing her to forget about troubles and worries for a while. Such people usually expect too much from others. That other people will make them happy. They're romantic at heart.
Food is prey. At the time of its absorption, some people protect the plate with their hand, close. In life they are owners and jealous. Others gesticulate aggressively with devices without noticing it, as if preparing to fight those who come close. The open and generous don't hide and can even share a dish.

People who observe rules of etiquette at the table and eating, accustomed to life in society. Their deep character traits are not easy to unravel at once. Whatever they feel in their hearts, they will behave decently in front of people.
About what are the basic rules of eating and how to behave at the table according to etiquette, read in our articles. Follow the links.