Instructions for the preparation of lean "Napoleon"

What if during Lent falls 3 birthdays of your home and at the same time you are believers who try to adhere to the fast? There's a way out, and it's a recipe. Lean cake Napoleon.

All you need is flour, sunflower oil, walnuts, a bottle of beer and no eggs! Do not worry, the smell of beer is not audible, it weathers during baking, but beer yeast perfectly stratifies the dough, and the cake turns out really layered.

Besides, this cake is simply prepared, there is no need for a large one. cornucopia.

"Napoleon" on the beer Today edition "Site" He'll tell you how to make a fast. Napoleon cake on beer. It turns out very tasty, tender and fragrant!

Test ingredients
  • 250 ml of vegetable oil
  • 250ml of beer
  • 900g flour

Cream ingredients
  • 700 ml of juice or nectar
  • 120g manka
  • 2-4 tbsp of honey (to taste)
  • 1 tbsp nuts (walnut or pine)

  1. In a convenient container, pour a glass of sunflower oil, then add a small part of the flour and a glass of beer. Stir thoroughly.

  2. Add the remaining flour to this mixture. Mix the dough. It should be elastic, soft and not sticking to the hands.

  3. Put the dough in the fridge for 60 minutes.

  4. To prepare the cream, pour the juice into the pan (I have cherry) and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil. Add to the juice manca and boil on low heat for about 5 minutes, constantly and thoroughly stirring. Let the porridge cool to room temperature.

  5. Wash the cherry cream with a blender. Add honey to the cream (the amount depends on your taste preferences). Stir it well.

  6. Roll the dough with a tourniquet and divide into 7 parts. Roll the crust thinly and baking alternately. Corgies are baked in the same way as usual for Napoleon.

  7. Smear the cream with plenty of cake, sprinkling with crushed nuts.

  8. That's all, the lean Napoleon is ready. Bon appetit!

Until the bright holiday of Easter, you can not eat milk, eggs, chicken, meat. You can also not eat mayonnaise, butter, white bread and pastries, sweets, alcohol is prohibited... According to the most stringent rules, on some days you need to completely refuse food, even cold and hot food alternates by day.

I suggest you read a detailed table of nutrition by day during fasting. It may seem too strict, but don’t worry, it’s not that scary.

When family celebrations fall on the days of Lent or just want to enjoy delicious and not particularly high-calorie pastries, I suggest make Napoleon. on this recipe. The taste of this cake, of course, is different from the classic, but its structure is very similar.

The cakes are baked instantly, they are layered, bubbly and crispy. The cream, of course, is simpler than the usual custard, which we are used to cooking on yolks, milk and butter. But post is post.

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