Rat King
In the old days, when there was Putin, Mavrodi, Yanukovych, Akhmetov, when you do not know the word "terrorism" was on the ships entertainment. A large number of rats living on ships since ancient times, did not bring much pleasure, but from the cats was no sense, because they could not cope with such a break through. And then some clever head hit upon the idea to elect the king of rats. The method was though quite extended in time, but very effective. The barrel threw a hundred rats and left for a month. As time went on, the rats were fasted, and took the nature of his own. They began to eat each other. A month later, the two were in a barrel zhiiirnyh Rat Man, who were afraid of each other. But nature took back his own, and one of the remaining Krysyuk ate yet another. It was he who became the king of the rats. For he ate only their own kind, and thus helped the sailors to get rid of rats that lived on the ship ...