Why it is not superfluous to give up wheat
Wheat is one of the most popular grain crops, which is used to make bakery, pasta and confectionery products, as well as some beers. It would seem that wheat is a huge gift, one of the main products that have protected humanity from hunger for centuries.
However, the development of science has allowed us to develop new, more productive and resistant to diseases varieties of wheat. Such mutations could not do without side effects, which wheat-grain for the human body is quite tangible.
American cardiologist William Davis, who wrote a couple of years ago the bestseller “Wheat belly”, is sure that modern varieties of wheat are dangerous to human health. He encourages you to eat any other flour.
Dr. Davis has long sought an effective way to prevent cardiovascular disease. He found that modern wheat has a high glycemic index, which affects blood sugar levels. In addition, a cardiologist found in wheat protein gliadin, which stimulates appetite.
“Today, wheat contains 5% gliadin, an opiate that affects human taste buds, causing serious dependence.”
Davis advised patients to completely eliminate wheat products for a while. After a couple of months, the patients decreased excess weight, decreased blood sugar, and overall health improved.
Wheat today is not the crop our grandparents ate 30 or 40 years ago. This plant is half a meter high, created by geneticists in laboratories of the last century, says William Davis.
The cardiologist claims that after refusing to eat wheat, patients not only lose extra pounds, but also suffer less from arthritis, get rid of leg tumors and acid reflux, overcome bowel problems and depression.
Therefore, Dr. Davis recommends replacing wheat products with half-bait, barley, flax. He calls for more often to include in the diet meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. The cardiologist is sure that the simpler and more natural food, the better.
William Davis talks about the popularity of whole grain products. The difference is no greater than between filtered and non-filtered cigarettes. However, the return of mankind to natural varieties of wheat is difficult to believe, because it is economically impractical due to the relatively low yield.
Calling wheat a "chronic poison," Dr. Davis has released a cookbook where he has shared practical tips on how to eliminate dangerous foods from your diet painlessly. The book contains about 150 popular recipes.
“Most recipes are the way I have changed how popular dishes are prepared. These are the same snacks and desserts that are part of my eating pattern that I recommend to my patients.
It is sad that with the development of science, man is trying to move further and further away from nature, modifying the world around him in the pursuit of super-efficiency. And not only in the crosshairs wheat-wheatThere are many other foods that take away the most precious thing – our health.
Recently, we published a list of the 17 most harmful products that can be found on the shelves in the supermarket. And also talked about foods that weaken our mental activity. Be sure to familiarize yourself to know the danger in the face.
However, the development of science has allowed us to develop new, more productive and resistant to diseases varieties of wheat. Such mutations could not do without side effects, which wheat-grain for the human body is quite tangible.

American cardiologist William Davis, who wrote a couple of years ago the bestseller “Wheat belly”, is sure that modern varieties of wheat are dangerous to human health. He encourages you to eat any other flour.

Dr. Davis has long sought an effective way to prevent cardiovascular disease. He found that modern wheat has a high glycemic index, which affects blood sugar levels. In addition, a cardiologist found in wheat protein gliadin, which stimulates appetite.
“Today, wheat contains 5% gliadin, an opiate that affects human taste buds, causing serious dependence.”

Davis advised patients to completely eliminate wheat products for a while. After a couple of months, the patients decreased excess weight, decreased blood sugar, and overall health improved.
Wheat today is not the crop our grandparents ate 30 or 40 years ago. This plant is half a meter high, created by geneticists in laboratories of the last century, says William Davis.

The cardiologist claims that after refusing to eat wheat, patients not only lose extra pounds, but also suffer less from arthritis, get rid of leg tumors and acid reflux, overcome bowel problems and depression.
Therefore, Dr. Davis recommends replacing wheat products with half-bait, barley, flax. He calls for more often to include in the diet meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, dairy products. The cardiologist is sure that the simpler and more natural food, the better.

William Davis talks about the popularity of whole grain products. The difference is no greater than between filtered and non-filtered cigarettes. However, the return of mankind to natural varieties of wheat is difficult to believe, because it is economically impractical due to the relatively low yield.

Calling wheat a "chronic poison," Dr. Davis has released a cookbook where he has shared practical tips on how to eliminate dangerous foods from your diet painlessly. The book contains about 150 popular recipes.
“Most recipes are the way I have changed how popular dishes are prepared. These are the same snacks and desserts that are part of my eating pattern that I recommend to my patients.

It is sad that with the development of science, man is trying to move further and further away from nature, modifying the world around him in the pursuit of super-efficiency. And not only in the crosshairs wheat-wheatThere are many other foods that take away the most precious thing – our health.
Recently, we published a list of the 17 most harmful products that can be found on the shelves in the supermarket. And also talked about foods that weaken our mental activity. Be sure to familiarize yourself to know the danger in the face.