How to prepare a rowan tincture

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, Shustov tinctures, including the brand “Ryabin on Cognac”, were considered the best in the entire Russian Empire.

“Incomparable ash” – so wrote the newspapers about a delicious and healthy drink, which produced the partnership “Shustov and sons”.

In 1912, Shustov’s enterprise was awarded the title “Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty”. It is claimed that the ash was highly appreciated by Emperor Nicholas II himself.

In the USSR, ash tincture was sold in shops and enjoyed great popularity and popular love among the working people. Getting a coveted bottle of tart drink was considered an incredible luck.

Over time, craftsmen have learned to do at home tincture is not worse than the store. It should be noted that cognac It is advantageously distinguished by the absence of flavors and one hundred percent naturalness of raw materials.

"Rowberry on Cognac." Select for tincture the most ripe berries, preferably after the first frost, then they have more sugars. Do not wait - place the berries for a couple of hours in the freezer. If you want to get a more tart taste, insist on a rowan with twigs.

The ingredients
  • 500g ripe ash berries
  • 1l of good cognac
  • 50g honey
  • 1 tbsp oak bark
  • 1 bag of vanillin (optional)

  1. Wash and dry the berries.

  2. To extract juice, break the berries and put in a jar (not to the top).
  3. Add to the berries honey (or sugar), vanillin and oak bark.
  4. Pour some cognac. The level of liquid should be 2-3 centimeters above the level of berries.

  5. Stir, cover and set to insist in a dark place. Stir up a couple times a week.
  6. After 30-40 days, the ash will “discover” its taste, and the drink will be ready. Strain it and you can take a sample.

  7. Now you know, How to make a "Rowberry on Cognac". The shelf life of “incomparable ash” without loss of quality is 3 years.

  8. Well, we will! Cheers!

Its success, as well as 100 years ago, tincture is due to the excellent effect of ash on the stomach. People also believe that it strengthens the immune system, helps to relax and is especially indicated for women during menopause.

100 leaves (there are 99 of them) are not ashamed to pour in the company of the most picky gourmets. Rarely what berry pouring can be compared with this richness of taste. It is a pleasure to hear what it is made of. No one's ever guessed in my memory.

Everyone has their own recipe, but this one is truly brilliant in its simplicity: 4 glasses of sugar, 4 glasses of water, 4 glasses of berries, 4 glasses of vodka. It is difficult to forget it even if you wish! Despite the ease of preparation, the drink in any company is taken with a hurrah.

Limoncello is a world-famous liqueur of Italian origin, which, as you can guess from the name, is made from the peel of ripe fragrant lemons. In southern Italy, they charge decent money for it, and we offer to make it with our own hands.


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