What kind of families do modern youth build?

Family is the most important thing in a person’s life. In the family, he is born, develops, grows up, and later creates his own family, where he already raises his children. That's life. And if a couple of decades ago, marriage for a young man was the first step into adulthood, today the priorities have changed.

Young people no longer put traditional family values first. More and more girls and boys prefer to live alone, postpone marriage and childbirth for later. Why is this happening and what could this trend threaten in the future? Let's try to figure it out.

Creating a family has ceased to be the main goal of life, and this has become possible for a number of reasons. We have identified only the most important ones that we believe have the greatest impact.

  1. Education
    With the increasing availability of good education, people around the world are delaying the birth of their first child, trying to build a good foundation first. The trend is especially clear in developed countries, where women decide to have their first child at 30-35 years old. At the same time, the number of women who decided to give birth to their first child only after 40 years has doubled. Also 2 times more than those who refused to have children. The well-being of many has become persistence.

  2. Work and low income
    Despite the rise in the number of skilled workers, their real incomes have declined in recent years and employers’ demands have risen. This forces young people to spend more time and energy on work to build a career and provide for themselves. Constant stress and the struggle for a place under the sun do not leave any time or strength on the relationship. family. You have to choose between family and career.

  3. New opportunities
    For those who feel financially secure, there are opportunities that are not always compatible with family. Studies show that many men are not ready to have a child if it interferes with building a business, traveling or spending time on dear hobbies. Women often think the same way.

  4. High demands
    People are often lonely because they don’t find the perfect partner. Along with the growing opportunities, the demands have also grown. It is rare to meet a person who would not like to have a family, but because of the lack of a suitable party, many do not marry. Today, even people in a relationship can live together for years, looking around before they decide to legitimize a relationship. And these long "looks" at each other. cause of late marriageand sometimes the absence of children.

  5. Alternative relationships
    Not wanting to be bound by obligations, young people prefer alternative relationships instead of starting a family: guest marriages (when the partners live separately) or loose relationships (with individual rules for each couple). A bunch of opportunities to find a partner only encourages young people not to get attached to one person. It became easier to build relationships, but their quality suffered, because people quickly get carried away, are reluctant to invest in relationships and soon find a new object of adoration.

  6. Fear.
    Many 30-year-old men and women can remember how difficult it was for their fathers and mothers to provide for their family, how they lost their feet in search of a job, how they were sleep deprived and malnourished. The fear that, having become parents, they will face such difficulties, makes them consciously abandon the joys of fatherhood and motherhood. Yes, examples. distressed among friends, neighbors or acquaintances a lot, which clearly does not add optimism.

Marriage in modern society Losing ground. And without an officially registered relationship, young people rarely decide to have a child, because the risks are too high. As a result, the population continues to age and shrink. It is not known who will live in the deserted territories after a couple of decades.

Recently, we have already talked in detail about the unobvious disadvantages of civil marriage, which is gaining immense popularity these days. And also pointed out the typical mistakes of husbands, which turn women’s lives into a real domestic hell. It's worth reading and thinking.


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