Waiting for you, dear!
Husband and wife decided to rest, only the husband arrived at the resort the day before. Came, took a room. The room had a computer with Internet access. Decided to send his wife, who should arrive tomorrow. But got the wrong address, wrong one bukvu.Poluchilos that he wrote another zhenschine- widow who buried her husband today. The widow decided to check the mail. There have been several reports of condolence and one message with the title: "My wife, who is still at home." Comes to the widow's son to his mother in komnatu.Vidit mom slips from his chair, pale. Son looking at the monitor, and then the message: "Dear! I know that you did not think that I would write to you, but it turns out there is online! Current wanted to say that I got normalno.Zaregistrirovalsya.Gotovlyus to your arrival. I hope you reach without incident, as I am! Looking forward! RS It's hot! "