For the seedlings of our raspberries, neighbors climbed over the fence, my grandmother did not swear, but gave advice on care.
Village raspberries - The dream of all the local kids. It's not the candy from the store: I went and bought it. Here you need to first find out where it is the largest, go there, pick up and then calmly eat. Although there are treacherous berries waiting for you. Mal bug and stink, tastes a little nice too.
But how to grow a large thick raspberry bush? Is it climate? Or a plant breed? We can say 100% - it's about leaving! Yes, yes, and let me tell you why.
When you live with your grandmother, at the age of 6, every day becomes an adventure. This is a huge tree with a hollow. I think it's fake. There is so much more to the imagination. What could be in there? Treasures, a secret letter, a nest of a wild bird? How interesting that is. In reality, there is nothing like that, except that young people will hide empty bottles or some garbage, but for a child it does not matter.
There's another bed. It grows a whole harvest of squash and squash. But the grandmother does not need them, and some specimens reach a giant size. Knife in your hand, and go ahead, cut the funny faces. On TV, they once showed that they can also be made from pumpkins, but Grandma does not have a pumpkin.
And then you meet the local guys. Grandma forbids you to walk with them, but there is no chance. Staying at home is boring. You can go to the river, fish, look for the eggs of kolkhoz geese, spit from tubes made of elderberry. The taste is disgusting, but the beans fly perfectly. If the diameter is right, of course.
And then the berries start coming in. Cherries, cherries are favorite treats. Another thing is that they like to grow up in foreign lands. Therefore, it is necessary to act as secretly as possible. Some owners look at you through their fingers: how much this child collects. But some chasing children with sticks and strong words. Okay, we gotta wait until it gets dark.
But you have to go after the raspberries yourself. By trial and error, it was found that the most tasty and large raspberries grow in the grandmother. And this is no laziness, not to stick to the other side of the village, this is a real fact. The boys, of course, raided our raspberries, but my grandmother did not mind. And one day we went to pick the berry together.
Beautiful, red, tasty and thick. Making a whole bank was not difficult. As it turned out, the grandmother willingly shared even the plants themselves, dug up and gave to everyone. Not for free, though. It is difficult to overestimate the peasant labor. Neighbors were terribly envious and wondered where she got such a good variety, their harvests were smaller.
And one day I learned the secret of big berries. It was all about fertilizer. Grandma was getting a lot of money. potato-husk And poured it with boiling water. A little insistent. And when this "tea" cooled, she asked me to water the bushes with them. Every two weeks or so. By the way, currant should have been watered the same way. And once I saw my grandmother digging up used husks under the plants themselves. It probably helped in the end, too. That's the secret.
Later, the grandmother advised parents to keep onion husks, potato peels and eggshells, not to throw away. Mix everything into one mass and fertilize the land in the garden. Mom did and still tells everyone how granny councils have repeatedly saved our crop. I share this with you, I am not sorry.

But how to grow a large thick raspberry bush? Is it climate? Or a plant breed? We can say 100% - it's about leaving! Yes, yes, and let me tell you why.
When you live with your grandmother, at the age of 6, every day becomes an adventure. This is a huge tree with a hollow. I think it's fake. There is so much more to the imagination. What could be in there? Treasures, a secret letter, a nest of a wild bird? How interesting that is. In reality, there is nothing like that, except that young people will hide empty bottles or some garbage, but for a child it does not matter.

There's another bed. It grows a whole harvest of squash and squash. But the grandmother does not need them, and some specimens reach a giant size. Knife in your hand, and go ahead, cut the funny faces. On TV, they once showed that they can also be made from pumpkins, but Grandma does not have a pumpkin.
And then you meet the local guys. Grandma forbids you to walk with them, but there is no chance. Staying at home is boring. You can go to the river, fish, look for the eggs of kolkhoz geese, spit from tubes made of elderberry. The taste is disgusting, but the beans fly perfectly. If the diameter is right, of course.

And then the berries start coming in. Cherries, cherries are favorite treats. Another thing is that they like to grow up in foreign lands. Therefore, it is necessary to act as secretly as possible. Some owners look at you through their fingers: how much this child collects. But some chasing children with sticks and strong words. Okay, we gotta wait until it gets dark.

But you have to go after the raspberries yourself. By trial and error, it was found that the most tasty and large raspberries grow in the grandmother. And this is no laziness, not to stick to the other side of the village, this is a real fact. The boys, of course, raided our raspberries, but my grandmother did not mind. And one day we went to pick the berry together.
Beautiful, red, tasty and thick. Making a whole bank was not difficult. As it turned out, the grandmother willingly shared even the plants themselves, dug up and gave to everyone. Not for free, though. It is difficult to overestimate the peasant labor. Neighbors were terribly envious and wondered where she got such a good variety, their harvests were smaller.

And one day I learned the secret of big berries. It was all about fertilizer. Grandma was getting a lot of money. potato-husk And poured it with boiling water. A little insistent. And when this "tea" cooled, she asked me to water the bushes with them. Every two weeks or so. By the way, currant should have been watered the same way. And once I saw my grandmother digging up used husks under the plants themselves. It probably helped in the end, too. That's the secret.

Later, the grandmother advised parents to keep onion husks, potato peels and eggshells, not to throw away. Mix everything into one mass and fertilize the land in the garden. Mom did and still tells everyone how granny councils have repeatedly saved our crop. I share this with you, I am not sorry.
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