Wise questions that even confident polymaths break their teeth about
The questions we have prepared for erudition belong to a variety of spheres of life. They will help you assess your level of knowledge and fill in the gaps if necessary. Check the breadth of your horizons and replenish your luggage with new facts.
GettyImages Questions for erudition
Didn't answer all the questions? No problem! Erudition is a profit. Read books, watch popular science films, use websites with informative information. And our tests will help to check in which areas of knowledge you still have gaps.
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GettyImages Questions for erudition
- Which country is considered the birthplace of French fries?
(a) USA
(b) China
c) Belgium
(g) Mexico
© Phere - Who made lightning for Zeus?
(a) Apollo
(b) hermes
c) asclepius
d) hephaestus - Wanting to “merge with nature,” Paul Gauguin left France to live where?
(a) In Peru
(b) Tahiti
c) In Fiji
d) In New Caledonia
GettyImages - Which plant is called tarragon?
(a) Sage
(b) tarhuna
c) thyme
(d) St. John's wort - Who wrote The Scarlet Flower?
(a) Petr Eršov
(b) Pavel Bazhov
(c) Ivan Goncharov
(d) Sergey Aksakov - What is a mittelspiel?
(a) Chess game stage
(b) bow of the ship
c) Dog breed
d) Typeface - Which of these events happened before the others?
(a) Mammoths are extinct.
(b) The pyramids of Giza were built.
c) In Babylon invented sewers - Name the first element of the periodic table of Mendeleev.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon
c) Hydrogen
(d) Helium - Which ocean is the Gulf Stream?
(a) To the Atlantic.
(b) To Quiet.
c) To the South.
d) To Indian. - Who are the famous writers not in this photo?
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) Nikolai Nekrasova
(c) Alexander Ostrovsky
(d) Ivan Turgenev
GettyImages - What do you need to add to iron to turn it into steel?
(a) Lead.
(b) silicon
c) Carbon
d) Copper. - Which of these characters is not fictional?
(a) King Arthur
(b) Robin Hood
(c) Sherlock Holmes
Count d'Artagnan
GettyImages - How many players are on the baseball team?
(b) 7
(c) 9
(g) 11 - Who invented the computer?
(a) Bill Gates
Charles Babbage
(c) Steve Jobs
(d) Timothy John Berners-Lee
- This honor is defended by many countries. But documents show that the birthplace of French fries can be considered Belgium. A 1781 manuscript tells of the inhabitants of the province of Namur, who fished and fryed it in oil, cutting thin plates. In winter, the rivers froze and there were no fish. And then instead of fish began to fry in oil very thinly sliced potatoes.
- Chief of the Greek Olympian gods, the god of sky, thunder and lightning, Zeus ruled the world and was traditionally depicted with lightning in his hand. And they were made by the god of fire and the protector of blacksmithing Hephaestus.
- In 1891, Gauguin left for Tahiti, where he painted as many as 80 paintings. By the way, to check if you understand painting, our test will help. All you have to say is which artist painted the painting.
GettyImages - Tarragon, dragon grass and dragon wormwood are called tarkhun. Tarkhun became widely known thanks to the drink of the same name, which contains an extract of the plant.
- The fairy tale “Scarlet Flower” belongs to the pen of Sergey Timofeevich Aksakov and is one of the variations of the plot “Beauty and the Beast”.
GettyImages - Mittelspiel (from the German Mittelspiel - the middle of the game) - the next stage of the chess game after the debut.
- The last woolly mammoths went extinct on Wrangel Island about 4,000 years ago. The pyramids of Giza were built 4600-4300 years ago. And the inhabitants of ancient Babylon formed from clay pipes to remove waste about 4000 years BC, that is more than 6000 years ago.
- In the first place of the periodic system of Mendeleev is the lightest element with the designation H and atomic number 1 - hydrogen.
- The warm Gulf Stream sea current originates off the coast of Florida and spreads across the Atlantic Ocean to the island of Newfoundland and the Scandinavian Peninsula.
- The photo depicts members of the editorial board of the magazine “Contemporary”, founded by Pushkin in 1836: Goncharov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Grigorovich, Druzhinin and Ostrovsky. Nikolai Nekrasov, who became editor of Sovremennik on January 1, 1847, is not on the group portrait.
GettyImages - Steel is a ductile alloy of iron with carbon and other alloying elements. In 1786, the French scientists Berthollet, Monge and Vandermonde determined that the difference between iron, iron and steel is due to different carbon content.
- Gascony nobleman Charles Augier de Batz de Castelmore, Count d’Artagnan made a brilliant career in the company of the royal Musketeers of Louis XIV. His life formed the basis of the three-volume Memoirs of M. d’Artagnan, published in 1700. In the middle of the XIX century, Alexander Dumas-Father created on the basis of this book his cycle about musketeers.
GettyImages - There are two teams of nine players each in baseball.
- In 1822, English mathematician Charles Babbage (1792-1871) invented Babbage's Difference Engine, a mechanical programmable computer.
Didn't answer all the questions? No problem! Erudition is a profit. Read books, watch popular science films, use websites with informative information. And our tests will help to check in which areas of knowledge you still have gaps.
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