Test to make sure nothing slips past your gaze
To be an attentive person who does not miss important details, everyone wants, regardless of age. So today's editorial office. "Site" suggest picture-testIt will be interesting for both children and adults. Try to find all the answers, and at the same time check how you can focus your attention and not be distracted by external stimuli.
When the brain works with numbers, it often becomes lazy and loses alertness. Especially if the numbers seem to be in the right sequence. Therefore, it is necessary not to write a number, as the brain of an inattentive person will ignore this discrepancy and will not notice the trick. Would you notice?
Task tips
We hope this mindfulness test helped you get a good look at yourself. Don’t forget to share your results in the comments. And try to solve other similar tasks that we published earlier.

When the brain works with numbers, it often becomes lazy and loses alertness. Especially if the numbers seem to be in the right sequence. Therefore, it is necessary not to write a number, as the brain of an inattentive person will ignore this discrepancy and will not notice the trick. Would you notice?
- The first thing to warm up, we offer a simple task, where among the fractions of 1⁄4 you need to find 1⁄2. Keep in mind that an attentive person will need no more than 10 seconds to solve this problem. We hope you can do it even faster.
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A post shared by Pharmacy Gaevsky (@gaevsky_pharmacy) - Now, in a minute, find all the nines that are hidden in this picture. And while it may seem like there are no nines or just one nine, both are wrong. Can you get to the truth and find the right answer?
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A post shared by Useful LIFE Hacks and TIPs (@sekreti.ozyaiki) - Next, we offer a long series of numbers from 1 to 54, where you need to understand what number is missing. The correct answer should be found within 10 seconds. Can you manage without spending too much time?
Task tips
- At first, it seems that the picture shows only one and four. But if you look closely at the image, then 1⁄2 is sure to be found almost at the very bottom in the center. How many seconds did you manage to complete this task?
- An attentive person will instantly find among the abundance of eight “9” in the middle of the second row. But is it that simple? After all, the phrase “you have 60 seconds” also hid nine, albeit inverted. And the third nine is simply written in writing at the bottom. It turns out that there are 3 nines in the picture.
- Finding that in a number of numbers missing “11” will not be difficult. But many after that consider the task accomplished and do not see the trick in the picture. Although if you look at the whole image, you will find that there is no number "32".
We hope this mindfulness test helped you get a good look at yourself. Don’t forget to share your results in the comments. And try to solve other similar tasks that we published earlier.
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