What prevented me to forty years to learn to fry sausages and cutlets, so as not to spoil the manicure
Today, every meat lover knows, roast in one form or another. Cutlets, sausages, even steaks are perfectly prepared both on a pan and on a special ribbed board. Just add seasonings that you like, or marinate the meat in your favorite sauce. The result will be good anyway.
But we, "Site"We're not sitting still. Why should we rewrite the old, well-known recipes a hundred times? We need to try something new. So we decided to combine two kitchens - meat and pastry. Let's see how this all ends. Don't forget to get a pastry sleeve!
How to fry pork ingredients
Serve the finished dish with any side dish. It's meat after all. But most often, sausages go well into the bite with greens, sauce or fresh vegetables. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from adding them to buckwheat porridge or rice. Here you have carbohydrates to recharge energy, and proteins to grow strength. Everything is delicious and balanced.
In addition, sausages after the confectionery sleeve can be sent not to the freezer, but to a pallet covered with parchment. Cooking them in the oven, you will get rid of excess fat, and it will be much easier to prepare. A great option: make a thin hole in the sleeve for sausages, and instead of pork take chicken. Good luck experimenting and a pleasant appetite!

But we, "Site"We're not sitting still. Why should we rewrite the old, well-known recipes a hundred times? We need to try something new. So we decided to combine two kitchens - meat and pastry. Let's see how this all ends. Don't forget to get a pastry sleeve!
How to fry pork ingredients
- 600g fresh pork spatula
- bow
- 2 teeth. Garlic
- 35g breadcrumbs
- parsley
- salt, pepper to taste
- 1g nutmeg
- 0.5 tsp smoked paprika
- 0.5 tsp ground coriander
- butter
- vegetable-oil
- 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- Cut the pork with arbitrary pieces, add peeled onions with garlic and send these products to the meat grinder. The resulting mince is again passed through the kitchen unit. Then add breadcrumbs, seasonings, parsley leaves, salt to the meat. Mix all this to get a great mince with the right additives.
- When the mixture is ready, beat it 10 times so that excess air comes out of it, and all the components communicate with each other. Just take the mince in your hand and throw it to the bottom of the container with force. When you're done, cover it with food film and put it in the fridge for an hour.
- In an hour, take out the pastry sleeve and load some of the mince into it. In the middle sleeve safely fits half of the prepared mixture. Cut the tip of your sleeve and slowly squeeze out a neat sausage. Choose the sizes that you like. Finished semi-finished products send to the freezer for about 40 minutes. We'll roast them soon.
- Warm the pan, add vegetable and butter. So the dish will be more interesting taste and aroma. Roast the sausages on both sides until you get a ruddy crust. Do not forget to add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar to each batch of sausages. It will affect their taste a little, but be sure it’s worth it!
Serve the finished dish with any side dish. It's meat after all. But most often, sausages go well into the bite with greens, sauce or fresh vegetables. On the other hand, nothing prevents you from adding them to buckwheat porridge or rice. Here you have carbohydrates to recharge energy, and proteins to grow strength. Everything is delicious and balanced.

In addition, sausages after the confectionery sleeve can be sent not to the freezer, but to a pallet covered with parchment. Cooking them in the oven, you will get rid of excess fat, and it will be much easier to prepare. A great option: make a thin hole in the sleeve for sausages, and instead of pork take chicken. Good luck experimenting and a pleasant appetite!
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