In which areas of the apartment most often accumulates negative
Every home has its own energy. It can be favorable or negative. Returning home, you can feel calm and joy, or you can feel anxious and uncomfortable because of the poor energy of the house.
And today's edition. "Site" suggests talking about which areas of the house are most often a source of discomfort, and which protection It can be a lifesaver, if you believe the experts in this field.
Home is the most suitable place where you can relax and gain strength, but if the energy here is not in order, then you can only dream of a good rest. Energy affects the health, well-being and emotional state of everyone who is regularly indoors. But why could it become unfavorable?
Experts believe that destructive energy occurs when there were many conflicts, swearing, quarrels in the room, if people did some evil things. Bad atmosphere in homes where they suffered or were seriously ill. Even bad or bad neighbors could make a bad contribution.
Housing with hepatogenic zones can be determined by various signs: the presence of insects (ants or cockroaches), a painful appearance of people and domestic animals, a bad appearance of houseplants, an incomprehensible smell, periodic noise or strange sounds.
In especially advanced cases, only a specialist can clean the house. But you can make a better home on your own. One option is salting. To do this, it is recommended to start with yourself - simply swim, adding salt to the water, which will take away the negative.
For cleaning the house table salt is also suitable. You need to conduct a general cleaning, adding salt to the water. And you need to wash even the most inaccessible places, wipe mirror and glass surfaces. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of doors, chandeliers, ceiling, corners of rooms - these places accumulate the most negative. It will not be superfluous to throw away all the trash and broken things.
You can also walk through all the rooms with a lit church candle. If there is no candle, then you can use a bundle of wormwood, because the smoke of this plant also drives all the bad from the room.
Improving energy at home and living plants. However, experts advise to avoid vases with hard leaves or thorns, and it is better to give preference to plants with a lush and soft crown or round leaves. Favorable influence is exerted, for example, citrus, fat, pelargonium, cyclamen, flowering begonia.
Good energy in the house is the merit of the owners. If there are positive emotions, laughter sounds, good music plays, then the atmosphere will be favorable. It is much easier to feel comfortable in such housing, and returning here will always be joyful.
And today's edition. "Site" suggests talking about which areas of the house are most often a source of discomfort, and which protection It can be a lifesaver, if you believe the experts in this field.

Home is the most suitable place where you can relax and gain strength, but if the energy here is not in order, then you can only dream of a good rest. Energy affects the health, well-being and emotional state of everyone who is regularly indoors. But why could it become unfavorable?

Experts believe that destructive energy occurs when there were many conflicts, swearing, quarrels in the room, if people did some evil things. Bad atmosphere in homes where they suffered or were seriously ill. Even bad or bad neighbors could make a bad contribution.

Housing with hepatogenic zones can be determined by various signs: the presence of insects (ants or cockroaches), a painful appearance of people and domestic animals, a bad appearance of houseplants, an incomprehensible smell, periodic noise or strange sounds.

In especially advanced cases, only a specialist can clean the house. But you can make a better home on your own. One option is salting. To do this, it is recommended to start with yourself - simply swim, adding salt to the water, which will take away the negative.
For cleaning the house table salt is also suitable. You need to conduct a general cleaning, adding salt to the water. And you need to wash even the most inaccessible places, wipe mirror and glass surfaces. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of doors, chandeliers, ceiling, corners of rooms - these places accumulate the most negative. It will not be superfluous to throw away all the trash and broken things.

You can also walk through all the rooms with a lit church candle. If there is no candle, then you can use a bundle of wormwood, because the smoke of this plant also drives all the bad from the room.
Improving energy at home and living plants. However, experts advise to avoid vases with hard leaves or thorns, and it is better to give preference to plants with a lush and soft crown or round leaves. Favorable influence is exerted, for example, citrus, fat, pelargonium, cyclamen, flowering begonia.

Good energy in the house is the merit of the owners. If there are positive emotions, laughter sounds, good music plays, then the atmosphere will be favorable. It is much easier to feel comfortable in such housing, and returning here will always be joyful.